Posts by dirigible

    Judging by the lack of response here it would seem this error message is an uncommon one.

    So I followed the advice given in the RM error message and turned the unit on to Browse mode while holding the RIG button in for 30 seconds.

    My Kemper seemed to go through some extra steps while booting. When finished there were exactly 87 rigs available in browse mode and subsequently connecting to RM worked OK.

    Issue resolved.

    After installing Rig Manager V2.1.74.14250 and updating Profiler OS to I decided to get rid of some of the clutter.

    I went through a lengthy session of auditioning rigs by calling them up in RM (preview), listening, and then deleting most of them from the My Profiler folder in RM.

    By the time I finished RM said there were 87 rigs on my profiler (reduced from 398).

    Then while in browse mode I quickly noticed rigs which had been deleted in RM were still in the profiler. Something had obviously gone wrong so I rebooted both the laptop and profiler.

    Now when I try to connect the two, RM gives me an error message which says.

    "Some items in PROFILER are damaged

    To resolve this issue, turn PROFILER off. Wait for 10 seconds and choose Browse mode while holding the RIG button for at least 30 seconds.

    Profiler will boot and attempt to repair the items in question."

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    For some songs I putthe guitar down and play keyboard instead.
    On the POD XT ProI've been using the “No Amp” model.
    Is there a similarprofile available for putting non-guitar signals through the Kemper?
    I'm looking forsomething with a a flat response, no colouration, Bass Mid Treblecontrols which more or less mimics a channel on a small PA desk.

    Hi, recently bought a Kemper Rack. I'm new to this forum and this is my first post.

    Have been played this thing for several hours over the last couple of days and am very happy with my purchase.

    Now before i go any further I think it's time to get everything up to date.

    By following instructions in the reference manual I've managed to update the OS from 3.3... to 5.0...
    I did this using the USB stick method.

    Now I want to update the sounds with the Factory Content file which I just downloaded but I have questions.
    The Factory Content file has files organised into folders Amplifier, Cabinet etc. It seems obvious these get unzipped to the USB stick but the USB has been formatted with folders Backups, Shared etc..

    Exactly where on the USB stick should I put these folders and files?

    When the USB stick is plugged in I suppose I'll enter the SYSTEM menu but what should I do then?