Posts by SanctumSolaris

    Big fan of their Marshall JVM410H. One thing you will notice is all their profiles are set to center position on the amp. Which makes for very easy adjustments to your preferred tone. Too many times I have downloaded free profiles, and/or purchased profiles only to find out they never documented the amp settings. Can make it tough to get a point of reference. Wish more commercial profile sites would follow suit or at least give documentation on their notes.

    Thank God for Mr. Lammert. Finally after all the threads posted about 3.0 being a piece of "*&%T, CKemper takes the time to address the issue.

    Maybe I am spoiled by good customer service and delivering what is promised. But after the last two years of having a Kemper all I get is over promised and very little deliverance. Maybe it should be the other way around; tell us all your delivering is a paperweight and yet give us a pot of gold.

    This group of users and forum has been salivating for the remote for years and now once it is delivered, late as usual, many are complaining about blank screens errors and problem after problem. This does not include the long awaited Firmware 3.0. If I had to rate my anticipation of this firmware against what many are experiencing, including myself, I would have to quote Johnny Rotten in saying "You ever get the feeling your being cheated."

    You can call me blatant even a complete bastard, but I am a paying consumer, same as others, and if you think peddling off anticipation over customer satisfaction is a way of appeasing the masses, maybe you need to do reconsider your world tours, workshops, multimedia hype and overall propaganda as a side step in keeping you from producing a well thought out product you can put your name on.

    Sincerely, a very frustrated Son of a Bitch.

    I tried it the other way originally, but I just got more unwanted noise than I wanted. We play heavier material so mostly the guitar is being overdriven and with medium to high gain amp settings.

    It is a little inconvenient to adjust the volume, but I know where I want it for rehearsal and live use so it is a quick setup at the beginning and then on with the show.

    However, with everything being said. I am selling my DXR10 and going to go with the AccuGroove Jack Hammer cabinet powered by a Crown XLS 1500. Been talking to Mark Wright, the founder at AccuGroove, and I really dig what they are doing.

    New Year New Modifications. Selling a portion of my rig. Included items are a Yamaha DXR10, Ibanez ARZ307, Gator Pedalboard, and Gator Trunk. The gator Trunk is a perfect fit for moving the Yamaha DXR10.

    Prices do not include shipping, buyer must pay. Please be within the continental US or even better if you are local.

    Yamaha DXR10 - $450
    Ibanez ARZ307 w/case - $600
    Gator Pedal Board - $150
    Gator 1X12 Combo Trunk

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    I had the same issue, but resolved it. I have my Kemper master volume at 10, then XLR main out to XLR in on DXR. The DXR settings are off on how it is setup and I have the cut at 100. I can roll it up to 0db before the volume is too loud to bear. Make sure also that the boost on the back of the DXR is on the lower setting, because you are already sending it a hot signal. The majority of my rig volumes are at 0 to +-1.

    My theory was to send the DXR the hottest signal I could and then adjust its volume to taste.

    Amazing job Till. I have your first set of cabs and thought I would never let go of number 11. These new cabs have me in a sonic dream. Before rehearsal today I tried as many as I could and each one brought a whole new spectrum of tone from my Kemper. Not sure if I will ever narrow this volume down to just one.

    Maybe we can get CK to setup a CC switch to just change cabs with the remote.

    Once again great job and thanks so much for making these available to everyone.

    Thanks for the great advice. I am going to try and see what I figure out.

    I currently do just have a preset I switch to for lead play and it works. However, I have two separate overdrive presets. I use which everyone best suits the venue or the sound I am hearing that day.After choosing the preset I am going to use for rhythm that day, I would like to just make the quick change of all stomps and effects for my lead sound.

    Similar to having two different paths for signal flow. One for rhythm, one for lead, and possibly one for clean. That way the stack section stays consistent, but the FX chain pre and post differs.

    Curious to know if it would be possible via MIDI to change the four stomp or four effects at the same time. For example, I have a preset that I use for a rhythm sound; when changing to a lead sound I would like to change the four stomps to four different stomps. What I am changing is mainly the EQ and Overdrive amount. Below is a diagram, maybe that will help to explain.

    Rhythm Preset:


    Lead Preset:

    Different Gate Setting
    Different EQ Setting
    Different Overdrive Setting
    Different EQ Setting
    Different Chorus Setting
    Different Delay Setting

    I am guessing this would probably work best in performance mode. Just wanting to find out if it is possible, and if anyone does this kind of change.

    p.s. my reason for doing this is that I use a GCP and have the options of 4 Presets and 8 CC's being used. It would be easier to have four different types of rhythm patches and simply use an instant access button to switch the rhythm preset to a lead adjusted stomp/effect.

    I have the Wah located in slot B just after the gate and before the overdrive. Sounds great and it will stay there, unless by using the location choices within it I can move it and still keep at the front of the chain.

    Just really interested to know if that is what Kemper was implying when they made those options available.

    I was noticing within the Wah parameters that you could choose where the Wah would be placed in the signal chain. Does this mean you could place the Wah in slot X and still have it function as though it was at the front of the chain? Just curious as I would like to free some spots in the stomps section.