Posts by Xenn

    Hi Xenn,

    this looks very cool! I was thinking of buying something similar for my Toaster.
    Is it easy to get it in and out of the case?
    Do you have problems with temperature, when it stays in the case?


    Yes its a great custom case for the Toaster.
    Its absolutely no problem to get it in and out. I regularly take the Kemper out of the case.
    There are also no problems with the temperature. Even if i play very loud and long it only
    gets slightly warm ;)

    My Live Kemper Rig :)

    I have got a Kemper Remote now and have to find a good position to place it in the case.
    Sometimes i think of getting the Kemper as the Rack Version to build a very small Rack but
    my actual case is build like a tank so its okay^^
    If you have some suggestions how i can optimize my case please write me ;)