Posts by ArmsOfSolace

    Hi all, I've been trying to find a list of all effect presets. Rather than browsing through them through my rig manager I'd find it useful to have it as a pdf (i.e. attached to the manual) so I can print it out or peruse it on my smartphone to select potentially interesting presets to try out.

    For some of you this question might seem strange but I usually use my KPA without a computer so it would allow me to browse effect presets more strategically by selecting the ones that have interesting titles in advance.

    Thanks in advance :)

    Hi, hoping some of the experts on this thread can help me out.

    I'm using the FCB1010 with the standard chip and the lag when switching rigs is really annoying when playing live.
    The guys at Kemper suggested I'd first make sure that the FCB is only sendin 1 PC (it van go up to 5) which would improve the switching speed. I've read that you can program and check this kind of stuff when connecting the floorboard via Midi to the PC. However with my laptop I can not connect the FCB to it via midi.

    Is there a (manual) way to make sure it's only sending 1 PC? I programmed it a while ago following an step-by-step online guide since MIDI is not my forte...

    Hope anyone here can help out.

    I was also wondering if the Uno4Kemper of Eurekaprom reduce the lag? This might be another option for me...

