Posts by sampura

    I tried it at multiple input levels and dropped it -3db each time. All had the same issue. The problem was just as bad with a single mic as the dual source.

    I've done similar profiles in the past with this same rig and setup and didn't encounter these issues. This is the first time I attempted to create more Bass profiles with 2.6. I have only been working with creating guitar profiles since I've upgraded to 2.6.

    BTW I just did a hard reset, and restored from 2.6 down to 1.8.2 then up to 2.5 and it's still experiencing the exact same issue. The more I refine, the issues becomes even worse. It's like the refining messes with the phase.

    Super big bummer! I'm going to attempt to borrow a rack version of the Kemper from a friend and see if that recreates the same issue.

    I attempted to profile a bass tone today with 2.6 and had extremely disappointing results. I'm going to revert back to 2.5 but I fear this issue will still continue as it has for my friends Lasse Lammert and Jason Suecof. They both upgraded to 2.6 and experienced the same issues I did (Increased / overwhelming low end, incorrect midrange response, and now phasing awkwardness in the low end with bass profiles) and still continue to experiences these issues after restoring back to 2.5

    Anyone have any suggestions for whats going wrong here and how to correctly reset the Kemper to the original settings? Please listen to the clip. It starts with the real / "reference" bass tone during the profiling mode and I then shift to the kemper profile of it. These are issues I never experienced before upgrading to 2.6. I tried multi-mics, single mic, summing internally then into the keeper, summing externally through my console and into the Kemper, etc etc. This sound and phasing awkwardness consistently happened no matter what the setup and chain was.

    Cheers and thank you! - Kemper Bass Example.mp3

    Well, that button only affects older profiles which were profiled with older firmware...but noone is complaining about that, cause...well, as people keep repeating, you can switch it off.
    so that point is settled and doesn't need any further actually never needed any at all, cause noone was complaining about that.

    The "problem" that some people encountered (myself included) is NOT how older profiles sound now, but how profiles CREATED WITH 2.6 don't sound satisfying (to some of us), and you cannot switch that off/go back to the old profiling process (without downgrading to 2.5 I mean).

    Bingo. To echo Lasse: This is issue I'm having as well. I'll gladly post some clips today to demonstrate the differences.

    I gotta be honest, I was really excited about 2.6 but I am a little disappointed in these 2 specific aspects both related to the profiling process.

    1. The low end is a little extreme and overwhelming compared to the source.
    2. The midrange before 2.6 was spot on. This was the biggest sell of the kemper to me. The low end and the top end were the only aspects that needed some tweaking and I was able to more or less correct those issues during the refining process and with eq and tools. Now the midrange is just not 1:1 identical and this is the biggest concern to me. No matter what I do I cannot get the midrange to sound identical to the source anymore.

    I'm happy that Lasse's experience validated my own. I feel 2.6 is a step in the right direction however I hope these 2 major issues are considered and improved in future releases.


    Actually the only difference between the 2 profiles is the refining process made it sound different. I still quite don't understand the refining process and how to make the best out of it. It was a "save that one and let's try one more time" scenario.

    What would you guys recommend?

    I plan to make more to share. Are these still available? I can't find them in the RE or the search. I think you guys found them the 72 hours we had them up before we deleted and made new ones and uploaded them to be named.

    Hey guys! Thanks for checking out the profile. I was uploading them to name and organize them and didn't realize the whole sharing thing works and someone would download and try these. Well I'm glad you checked it out and it does sound great in that clip!

    I'm totally new to profiling, but I've recorded guitars for many years now. I own and operate a studio in Fremont CA called The Panda Studios. I decided I needed to capture each amp on my studio here so we have lots of quick tones ready to go when doing scratch tracks. That way we can quickly plug in DI Guitars and have some pretty convincing tones to play through when tracking.

    I basically set up every amp we have, dialed in each amp with all of the guitars here. We then did a major shootout with all my microphones and my preamps. Landed on a 57 and a UTA preamp. Single mic profiles. Meant to just get you up and running.

    This amp specifically is my friend Brad's JMP into an Orange V30. The JMP is modded with Sozo caps. Very nice articulate amp with a little more body than a standard JMP. Hope that helps! Enjoy!!!