Posts by ifrestre

    thanks for the information about KPA + DB11. I'm trying to configure MIDI parameters with no results.
    This is the steps that I'm doing:

    1. I'm connecting 4 analog pedals to DB11 in theirs respective positions
    2. Conecting KPA MIDI In & Out cable
    3. Conecting DB11 in the FX Loop (Direct Output/send & Return Input)
    4. Chossing the Midi Channel set up mode in the DB11 (holding EDIT Button and reconectinf the power, then chossing Led #1) and finally channel 1 with all 4 leds turned off)
    5. In the SYSTEM button of the KPA, I'm selecting:
    A: Midi Out in the soft button
    Channel 1 in the Mido Device A
    6. In Performace Mode, I'm going to a desire Program (for instance #46), enter to Edit soft button > Slot Settings > MIDI Settings > MIDI Transmit and chossing the desire MIDI Message for each Slot... but nothing happends.


    a. Which is the correct Set Up Mode in the DB11 to configure with the KPA? Led 1 or Led 2?
    b. How sould I do to configure the differents loops in the DB11? Analog pedals not respond when I change the slot in KPA
    c. then, how to store the loops in the BD11?

    If you can give a hand I'll be so gratefull cause we will have a tour recently and only have this looper device.

    Thanks RJJ.

    John Phillipe.