Posts by RobAntila

    The more I mess around with the kemper, the more I am liking it...I always found manuals vague in informing me on how to do what i want to achieve a certain sound..I really haven't spent a lot of time with it because I'm at work most of the time, but you guys are extremely helpful and I thank you all. I still don't care for the pitch shift at all...I am going to put my G Major in the loop to cure that problem.

    I noticed when I add graphic eq in the X location of the chain it sounds great...I wanted to move it to the stomp section and lock the mono loop in the X location so I can use outboard gear..when I moved the eq to stomp location 4(before the amp profile) it seems to have no effect...I moved it back to X and it sounds great again...Do I have the chain set wrong or is this just how it is?.If so then where do I move the mono loop to?.....Scratching my

    Thank you Paul..Very helpful....Whats the deal with the loops in the Kemper? The manuals really don't go too in depth. How would I use the distortion loop? and all the other ones.I'm using my Kemper power rack plugged into a 4x12 cabinet with regular guitar cables for the hookup...Do I only use the mono loop in this configuration?

    Hello,my name is Rob and I am new to the kemper, and I am loving it so far..I uploaded my first attempt at a rig called DimebagNYC..Its a good tone for Pantera,Master of Puppets era Metallica,Anthrax and the like...I run my power rack into a Dean Dime 4x12 cab..I think it sounds pretty good,please let me know what you think...Thank you.

    How do I perform a factory reset on a power rack...I was screwing around and don't know what I would make my life a lot less stressful....thanks for any info.