Posts by JohnnyIndia

    I am currently an Axe FX user but interested in giving the Kemper a test drive.

    I run an all analog pedalboard in front of my Axe, with about 10 overdrive and fuzz pedals. This works amazingly well with my Axe FX which I use just for amp sims, reverb and some digital delays.

    I'm wondering if the Kemper will respond like my real analog amps, and my Axe FX in the same way to my various pedals, specifically the overdrive and fuzzes. For instance, I love taking a Tube Screamer or Klon and pushing the "power tubes" into saturation. Lots of volume knob play to clean up the tone, stacking pedals, etc. etc.

    Will the Kemper be a good platform for drives in this way? Also will be using various analog modulation and delay pedals