Posts by decreebass

    Yea, I looked at some of the other profiles you find when searching "fishman" and they're not terrible, but they definitely have a couple undesirable resonant peaks or boominess.

    Of course, half the beauty of the platinum pro EQ is the notch filter, sweepable mid range, and compressor. If I'm feeling froggy, I may find out what exact freqs and Qs though deal with and expand on the profile to make it more 'realistic'.

    But I do feel like my profile captures about the sound I like to hear; not too boomy, not too bright, not too "woody" - and it's even better because the platinum pro EQ doesn't have chorus or verb. It does, however, have an effects loop! It's a great little pedal :)

    On the rig exchange - let me know what you think. It's a great little pedal. Sweet EQ and the compressor is wonderful. I just added a comp to the rig; you may have to play around with the verb and chorus to get it to the sweet spot, but otherwise it has a very nice - and relatively transparent - personality.

    This has got me thinking I may just profile all of my studio gear and only use the Kemper :)

    Simply turn it fully to the left.

    Would you believe I never knew there was a noise gate knob?!?!?! I are so smrt. Learn something new every day! Thanks man, I'll give my profiling another shot and see if this little trick helps!

    As an aside - and this might stop me from wasting my time - does anyone know if the noise gate (on the input stage) is active during profiling? I tried profiling my Mark V ch. 3 (high-gain) through a Cab Clone and I was missing some of the magical high-end - most notably during palm mutes and whatnot. When switching between the reference and the profile, the profile just sounded flubby and bleh.

    How do you turn off the one in the input stage? I wonder if this might be the reason my profiles are suffereing in the high end...

    Since I love beating a dead horse ;) ...

    I tried several times unsuccessfully last night to profile the high-gain Mk IV mode on channel 3 my M/B Mark V through my Cab Clone; no matter how many times I did it, no matter how I "refined" the profile, I could never get the higher frequencies in the reference amp that you can hear in between notes - or when palm-muted. The profile's palm mutes always sounded squishy and flubby comparatively no matter how many times I redid it.

    Does anyone have any idea how the profile refines? That is, what is the best way to get the best, most accurate profile - and if it's not sounding right, how can I hunt down specific characteristics of the reference amp? I've looked at the Wikpa but none of those tips helped. It was a good couple hours of frustration. The long & sustained power chords on the profile sounded pretty accurate to the Mark V, but it went to poo (well, not completely) when I started chugging and palm-muting.

    I'm a Kemper believer, but last night left me a bit disillusioned - I fear I may just simply not be able to capture those higher frequecies that make that particular mode magical...


    I haven't really had too much time to mess with it, but my Cab Clone absolutely KILLS live. Makes the soundman's job super easy...

    Just wondering if anyone's used it to profile yet. Since I don't really have an opportunity to crank my Mark V amp and create a profile, it'd be sweet to do it via the Cab Clone.


    just wondering if something like this is in the works; I don't see why you shouldn't be able to hook up a stomp box to Kemper and profile it and save it in the effects section... Surely this is in the future for the KPA, right? Or maybe that's gonna be a whole new unit all together?

    just a thought.

    Yea, after spending a good deal of time with the KPA over the last few days, I must say; while I still WANT an Axe, I no longer NEED it. Hell; to be honest one of my favorite KPA profiles is the "FAS 6160" profile! So I'm sure I'll get one at some point, but I'm not bending over backwards to get one. Perhaps I'll wait until there's a deal I can't refuse or they have a sale or something. And yes, I did see that "another one..." thread. It was interesting on both this and the FAS forums. Amazing how many responses it got in just a couple days!

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but do you NEED a USB stick to update the firmware? Is there a way to do it over a regular USB cable (same on used for rig manager?) It just seems odd that there'd be no other way than a peripheral that's not included. Since the advent of the "cloud," I haven't owned a USB stick in a year or three. Help? Thanks!

    I was a bit miffed when Boss updated the GT-100 to Ver 2.0 and stole some of the recording time for its looper. But in reality, I never really use it for more than a short chord progression; I just don't appreciate that it's only accessible via the reomote controller...

    Good points, @Eru

    The complexity of the Axe is what attracts me to it (routing, tweakability, etc.) but I know myself well enough to know that I only use a few effects, a couple amps, and nothing too extreme when it comes to routing. I like my delays in the loop and my ODs out front - and the Kemper does that.

    As far as the community; I'm very excited to join y'all. I've been a member of the Carvin forum for a few years and those guys are great - probably one of the best guitar forums around. is great for guitar porn and gear talk, but there's a lot of kids on there (at least mentally) and the threads can venture down an immature road... And the Ernie Ball Music Man forums... man, you say ANYTHING that doesn't toe the party line, you get flamed, edited, modded, or banned. They're great guitars, but come on - let us have a variety of thoughts, you know?

    Anyway, again, thanks for your answers. These next two days until my toaster gets here are gonna be rough. I'll enjoy my last two days using my Boss GT-100 as my studio tool lol. I use it for effects & channel switching in my live rig though, but it'll be nice to not have to unpack it every time between rehearsals and gigs.

    Cheers, y'all!

    ...the Kemper plays like an amp and thats all any of us could ask for. Anything else is just deviating away from the sole purpose.

    That was the main selling point for me. Everything out there can SOUND like a tube amp, but nothing I've played FEELS like a tube amp except a tube amp - and this seems to excel at that (according to reviews & videos, at least). Thanks for the responses. The USB and dual-amping thing aren't a deal breaker for me anyway. I just have to learn how to use S/PDIF. And as I recall, even though I did use a "dual amp in stereo" setup using self-created amps on my GT-100 for my last album, I eventually just used one mono signal per take, so the dual-amp nature of the tone was pointless anyhow! <- I'm sure that didn't make too much sense, but whatevs :)

    I'm not trying to troll or start a flame war, but a LOT of the Axe vs Kemper discussions are pretty old - as far as firmware/capabilities go. For instance, I saw one that said you can't run two amps (panned opposite each other) in the Kemper. That can't be right, can it? Also, that the Kemper has no USB recording functionality? I don't remember where I saw some of these arguments against the Kemper, but surely they would have addressed this by now - I mean if the Line 6 Pod can have two amps simultaneously and every unit out there can record via USB...

    I guess I'm just looking for a current comparison of the two units since obviously you can't "try" the Axe and no one locally has the Kemper.

    FWIW, I have already ordered the Kemper and look forward to using it in two days when it gets here :) But I have a feeling at some point I'll be picking up the Axe also, since the main thing I hear from reasonable reviews/reviewers (as opposed to Kemper or Fractal fanboys/girls) is that they both serve different purposes, do things differently, yadda yadda yadda, though I can't help but feel this - while diplomatic and seemingly unbiased - is a bit disingenuous since there seems to be so much debate & people on the fence as to which one to get. I think people with VERY limited funds just eventually take the plunge one way or the other and just learn to love the one they got (and I'm sure there's a LOT to love about both units).

    So I'm not looking for a debate, but maybe if you've got a link to features/updates/comparisons/videos/reviews, etc. However, if you own BOTH units (Axe II & Kemper), then please chime in about what you primarily use each for and what the various strengths & weaknesses are... I'm trying to get a feel for if I should just already start saving for the Axe II or if the Kemper would suit me fine. I mainly just plan on using it at home in the studio for metal/alternative music, playing Kiesel 8-strings, 7-strings, and the occasional Music Man 6er.

    Again, the keyword here is RECENT RECENT RECENT!!! :)

    Thanks in advance!

    Glad I found this thread!

    I played a Kemper at NAMM and they had the remote controller set up. I just recently ordered my toaster from Sweetwater and began thinking about using the remote. Dylan (my sales guy) said they wouldn't be getting any in. But I had no idea that they weren't really even out yet... NAMM really spoils ya, you know?

    Anyway, I wonder if Kemper will listen to its users and fanbase and allow Sweetwater (and other) suppliers to stock them... I'm new to Kemper so I have no idea how involved their brass are with us plebs who pay their bills. But it would be nice if they realized we want to be able to buy the unit from our preferred retailers - especially if it's the same place from which we bought the main unit itself. Boycott maybe? lol.
