Posts by DefinitionPending

    Works great with my Orange PPC212 cab. I preferred most of the presets with CAB off. As most say, a bunch of presets tend to sound similar, but that did not bother me so far. It's not that a cranked JCM 800 profile will sound similar to a Plexy or an AC 30 or a Bassman. So far, loving it!

    Need to dig in, just scratched the surface so far. Thinking of taking it to the rehearsal on Monday and test it at loud band volumes.

    Thanks for the help guys! Cheers

    Hey guys, I just pulled the trigger and purchased a Kemper Powered Head. I am going to pick it up tomorrow. Still having major doubts about it, but figured that, if I end up don´t liking it, I can resell here in Brazil or trade for something of my interest. Considering the exchange rate tendency down here, and that I actually paid the price charged in the US considering the exchange rate today, I won´t end up loosing (or so I hope). Nevertheless, I foresee a fun weekend exploring the KPA!

    Thanks guys. I decided to do some additional research on the powered + traditional cab thing. There are just too many mixed opinions, and it seems that this is the only part of the Kemper experience with such mixed reviews. As raised by Grooguit, this stuff in Brazil are extremely expensive.

    I have a similar thread going in another forum, and a I came up with a doubt, sorry if this is a dumb question... I might have found a used non powered Toaster for sale... WIth the addition of a DXR 10, the total cost is similar to the one of a new power head. Using the DXR 10, is it still need to go FOH? Or for small venues only the DXR is sufficient for both personal monitoring and the sound going to the audience? Sorry if this is dumb though...

    I am thinking of buying a Kemper Power Head as a XMas gift for myself this year... However, since I´ve never played any digital high end stuff (except Amplitube and Bias), I am really relunctant into spending that amount of money in a Kemper (which is extremely expensive here in Brazil). I am not very interested into buying a FRFR (very expensive) and would use it with my Orange PPC212 cab, rated at 120 watts. Would that be OK? Should I go the non-power route and use the FX return of tube amps? Lots of people using Power Heads with traditional cabs? They actually sound amazing? So many doubts and affraid of spending a huge amount of money... So I came here, think I need some convincement. LOL. Cheers

    Hey guys, first post here.

    For the past three weeks, I have been non-stop on the Internet researching details about Kemper and Axe Fx. These two units really caught my interested as portable and great sounding solutions.First of all, I am not interested in starting a comparison between both of them. My questions regard specifically the Kemper.The thing is, I LOVE playing with my tube amps (Orange Rocker 30, Fargen Mini Plexi Mk II and Reeves Custom 10HG). However, they are very inconvenient in some situations – mainly because of the weight and extremely loud for that late night playing. I would really like to combine some features of all of them and be able to have a portable rig that I could take to rehearsals and occasional gigs, and also play with very low (or silently) with great tones.

    The Kemper seems like a great solution to achieve all of these things.

    However, some concerns come up:

    - How hard is it to profile your own amps? To me, this is what is most appealing about it: profile your own rig, with the ability to combine different amps that you love and have them in a portable box. Are you guys doing it or just using profiles made by other people?

    - Foot controller alternatives... I know there are some great cheap alternatives (like Voodoo Lab Ground Control) that just don´t work optimally with the Kemper. And the proprietary unit is just way too much expensive for me...

    - The recent price reduction... This scared me a little... Of course there may be a lot of reasons for sales, but one of them might actually be that a new product is coming along... And the direct profiling made available at the latest FW might be some indication that a new hardware would be introduced in the near future.... Could not find anything in this regard, however.

    Some other things caught my attention upon reading in other forums, like the fact that it is supposedly limited, since you could only fiddle around so much with a profile, but I honestly don´t think that it is a significant problem (you get the same with a tube amp). The beauty in the unit is to profile rigs that you like and have them with you anytime you want....

    Anyway, would really appreciate if you guys could help me out. Would love to try one out, but I am in Brazil and we don´t have an official dealer down here or somewhere I could test it – at least as far as I am concerned.
