Posts by 8Strings

    Any one like the pack 1 Bletchley Bomber profiles as much as me? I love the almost Eric Johnson-y smoothness. It feels higher gain then it sounds if that makes sense.

    It's reassuring that not every one goes for the same tones. Nice to have some variety out there.

    Mike Britts profiles are awesome. In a couple pay checks I'll check out the Dumble sounds and look for some more Trainwrecks as well.

    You guys weren't kidding about this thing making a guy want to keep playing. Many of the built in rigs are great but I kept reading about certain guys selling profiles: MBritt, Top Jimmy, Sinmix. I bought a profile set from each of them and holy shit, some amazing sounds. I'm really loving MBritt's Blechley Bomber profiles right now, but there are some amazing Fender tones courtesy of Top Jimmy, and one of Sinmixs 5150 rigs seems likely to become my high gain tone of choice. I really need to book a staycation and just explore this thing.

    I just receieved my power rack and remote a few days ago. I have a lot to learn, but every time I sit down with the manual and the Kemper as they suggest, I end up getting lost enjoying the profiles and then looping ideas.

    I'm in my late 30s and have been playing since I was a young kid. EVH got me hooked, I played thrash and death metal for a long time (still do) but lately I play classic rock, prog stuff, and I'm getting into surf and some roots-ier tele style playing as well.

    I'm looking forward to interacting with other Kemper users.

    Gear: 20 year old Peavey 5150 with cab, 65 Amps Empire with cab, Orange 2x12, Roland VG-99, a number of pedals (really digging the EHX Organ and Sitar pedals, and of course the TS808), 25 year old Paul Reed Smith Custon 24, Ibanez RG 2888, Older Ibanez RG something or other 7 String, Mexican Fender Strat, heavily modded cheap US Fender Tele, 70s or 80's Yamaha SBG with Roland GK-3. I record though a Roland Octa-Capture into an older iMac into Logic Pro X.