Posts by alexkemp86

    Hello everyone, I'm glad to announce you my "The tone carries on" Kemper Pack is finally available.

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    Here you can download the pack:

    Nine Profiles included in this package are inspired to the great John Petrucci amazing tone/sound. The rest (around 20) are variations or profiles that i've loved very much and i've created after a long research of tones and sounds that i was going to profile time after time.

    The tone/sound is a mix of various combination and components, between them there are for sure the personality and the touch of the musician that of course are unique and unrepeatable.

    There are many aspects like picks, strings, cables, valves, speakers, microfones and of course the guitar itself, they obviously are an important part of the final result.

    As i was saying at the begin, i was talking about "inspiration", because of course replicate the tone of a musician at 100% it's impossible, and if we're talking about John Petrucci it's more than that.

    I hope this pack can be usefull for you and i hope you'll enjoy it.

    Have fun!

    The following videos from YouTube inspired me:

    1) John Petrucci Dream Theater Triaxis / 2:90 / 2014 Rig Tour Demo

    2) MESA/Boogie Tone Summit - John Petrucci/Doug West - Dream Theater Guitar Tones History

    3) John Petrucci — Mark V — Settings and Tone Tips (part 1 & 2)

    4) John Petrucci | Dream Theater | Gear Talk | Part 2: MESA/Boogie | Thomann

    You will find them easily on youtube

    if you sell this pack a lower price,you will sell more,also i recommend you to sell the packs for yourself,gumroad charge tax

    Hi man, I'm working on a new website where you can buy the profiles directly from me. In this way, those who buy my profiles will save about 20% (about 6$). In Italy for this type of products there is no VAT but gumroad applies it on any type of sale.

    A new package dedicated to John Petrucci will also be available soon.

    Stay tuned for news!

    Hai provato a suonare con le luci spente?

    Lo so, può sembrare una follia ma a casa mia con alcune lampade accese c'è il rumore di fondo e con altre no.

    Arrivo un po' in ritardo con il consiglio ma non si può mai sapere, magari ancora non hai risolto.

    In bocca al lupo!

    It’s too expensive man...

    Hi, i think that only each of us can know how much work there is behind a product and therefore decide the sale price that it deems fairer.

    In this package, I have not just limited myself to profiling an amp with the sounds I usually use.

    I had to try to imitate the tone of another guitarist and I assure you that it is an extremely difficult job, especially if it is Andy Timmons.

    A long research and over a month of experiments because every little nuance makes the difference.

    There will also be other packages that I am working on and will have an almost halved cost because they will be profiling of sounds that I use every day and there will be no need to stay there whole days to get the right tone.

    I can easily profile my sounds in a day but trying to imitate the sounds of another guitarist is really hard.

    You even have to study his playing and his songs to understand how to reach the goal. If you try to imitate Petrucci's tone but play in Jimmy Page's style you will never realize if a profile is effective or not.

    This type of work alone I assure you that it takes a lot of time and energy.

    Try this kind of experience yourself and you will realize how much time it takes.

    See you soon ??

    Hello everyone, I'm glad to announce you my Gipsy Pack is finally available.

    It's a pack of profiles inspired by the great Andy Timmons tones.

    Here you can see the promo video:

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    Here you can download the pack:

    Nine profiles included in this package are inspired to the great Andy Timmons amazing tone/sound. The rest (around 30) are variations or profiles that i've loved very much and i've created after a long research of tones and sounds that i was going to profile time after time.

    The tone/sound is a mix of various combination and components, between them there are for sure the personality and the touch of the musician that of course are unique and unrepeatable.

    There are many aspects like picks, strings, cables, valves, speakers, microfones and of course the guitar itself, they obviously are an important part of the final result.

    As i was saying at the begin, i was talking about "inspiration", because of course replicate the sound of a musician at 100% it's impossible, and if we're talking about "Mr tone" it's more than that.

    I hope this pack can be usefull for you and i hope you'll enjoy it.

    Have fun!

    The following videos inspired me:

    1) Electric Gypsy - Andy Timmons & Martin Miller Session Band (Live in Studio)

    2) Andy Timmons, Doug West and the MESA® Mark Five: 25™ In-Depth

    3) Tone Sessions: Andy Timmons & Mark Five: 25™ – “Lucy” Playthrough

    4) Andy Timmons demo of JHS Pedals AT Channel Drive pedal

    You will find them easily on youtube