Posts by stratslinger

    It was actually the standard wah wah preset with the following settings:

    Manual 3.5
    Peak 7.8
    Pedal range +25%
    Peak range -38%
    Pedal mode - bypass@toe
    Mix 96%
    Ducking 0.0
    Volume 0.0

    The amp was britts colonial 4 9 with some minor tweaking

    Aside from the camera turning round the wrong way !...

    Its sounded pretty good...not sure about that version of Careless though

    cheers and Lol. It was recorded by someone in the audience with an iPhone. It's the ending of the song so not a fair reflection lol - we did it as a bit of fun about 10 years ago and been ever present in our set since. Cheesy, but everyone seems to love it. Now a tribute song too :(

    I'm a relatively new Kemper user and got some vids from our show last night. Best consistent live sound I've ever had and so so many compliments from the sound guys to audience about the clarity of the overall mix - thanks kemper.

    I only used three amp sounds in performance mode using the kemper remote and direct to foh. Works so well and a doddle to set up.

    The Fakes 2017 kemper live

    The Fakes - George Michael tribute - kemper live

    This was posted in the private forum but thought it worthwhile sharing in public

    That's v kind - thanks.

    It's one of britts colonial profiles - I tweaked it ever so slightly to have a touch more percussiveness. Love it

    The other two profiles I use are a clean jcm800 one of ace's di's through one of britts cabs (can't think which one off the top of my head) and a Britt fender pro jr (crunch that I've balanced to clean up without losing any volume - super versatile)

    For the keen eyed, it may look like my mesa
    Cab is micd, but it isn't, I'm straight into the desk. Its just a stand still on stage from the support band.

    I've been playing and gigging (not professionally) for 25+ years and have in the last month traded my boogie v 25 and all pedals for a powered kemper and remote.

    Don't need to tell everyone how the kpa nails the feel of a valve amp (I've had line 6 gear and whilst the recorded sounds were good, there was always an uncomfortable disconnect when playing). The live sound of the kpa is the best I've ever had (use my single recto cab for monitoring with Britt profiles (pro junior, colonial and ac30) taf (train wreck) ace (Marshall JCm 800 di) and an engl Ritchie Blackmore.

    I had a few hours of crossover with my mark v that I tried to profile and did a stinker of a job, but shared it anyway) lol.

    Finally , a massive thank you to such a friendly and helpful forum. I've not posted, but the tips and advice and insight from this place is amazing.

    So can't express how the kpa has totally blown my mind in all environments. I've been laughing at times it's that enjoyable - it's a total game changer.