Posts by mnewse614

    yeah I am tweaking by ear not by eye, but of course you mental try to compare in the real world, now I will admit that I was "thinking" +5 on the ts would be the equivelant as wide open in real life, but it seems to me 0 is 10 if that makes sense. Now the amp gain I can say by ear the kemper is getting the high gain im used to to say a cobra, I have owned 3 cobras, but that noise to me did sound like maybe the ad converter was hitting the ceiling. I will readjust tonight and try to reverse this process and see what happenes. I do know I did reverse this volume between amp and kemeper and still had the noise but I have some other ideas now to try. Gawd I hope I can get this to work I really dont want to take it back

    interesting, so to gain stage my poweramp, the poweramp doesent clip until the monitor output is max and rig volume is +4, then its right under clip which is the gain stage. Do you think this level then could the culprit? Would it be best to reverse this thinking and max volume my poweramp and use the kemper monitor out as the overall voluime control? I dont get any clips on the kemper in or out they stay a full green even strummed hard so I figured I was okay. The gain stage is how I always used my previous devices but I understand this is a different product.

    I really want help here, if you can not or do not want to download the back up here is the set up to try:

    rig exchange:

    COBRA FRAMUS COBRA Marshall 1960 Tom South 4.00 / 5.00 2015-02-05

    Then add a noise gate 4:1 in the first slot, second slot a green screamer so you can find the noise quickly the green screamer gain 0, tone whatever i like 6, and volume +5, now play for a min and stop, if you dont hear it real bad turn the volume up some without playing, once you can hear the noise youll never un hear it, then lower the volume to say 0 on green scream, play and listen. This can all be done through headphones, again I use EMG so my clean sense is -6 and distortion sense is 0

    This is killing me cause again I love this unit so any help would be great, support tells me this set up gives them the same issue

    I need a solution before I return this unit. I am using a high gain profile from rig exchange that has high ratings and no issues, I add the green screamer with gain 0 tone 6 and volume 0 and still get that noise, this is not useable and very disappointing

    No response yet, I want this to work I love the unit, this seems as a huge design flaw or they did have some QA issues and not telling me right, but from their response the kemper can not take and again try these setting. High gain profile a EVH, 5105, MESA, COBRA, ECT, set gain to 3 oclock, add a noise gate 4:1 i set my thresh a 5.5, add a tubescreamer gain 0, tone 6 or whatever, and volume even at 0. You can use headphones now play, after playing turn the volume up youll hear it. Now the volume is at band levels and its very dominant not so much at lower levels, but then at lower levels add a lead boost of something that raises that high pitched squeal you hear when cranking the volume will start to be audible at lower levels, its like that sound is there constant but not audible until the signal is boosted

    Dear Matt Newsome,

    I guess, this is normal with your settings. I can reproduce that tone with your Rig. The Volume of the Green Scream is also at max. Somewhere there is a technical limit. I suggest the controls to a level where it works.
    [Blocked Image:]
    Burkhard Dinnies
    Kemper Amps Support Team

    This is in reference with your Request Ticket Number: #KA00133684. Please reply back to this email without changing the subject line if you have further clarifications.

    So is this not a product concern? In the real world that's what I do to my amp gain on head full hit with tube screamer volume max gain, I've never experienced this with amps or your competitors product

    to support
    Ok upgraded firmware noise still there, lowered gain noise still there but lighter

    Just to give the back story, I ordered my kemper while guitar center was out of stock, I got the first unit last week and had this issue, I tried multiple amps, monitors, guitars and cables. I took the unit to guitar center to try different cords, guitars etc and the same noise still there, so we exchanged for this unit which just came yesterday afternoon immediately hooked it up and got the same result

    Dear Matt Newsome,

    please send a complete backup of the error situation. I can see on the video, that your gain is at max. I would like to see, if there are other parameters maxed out. Do you experience the same issue, if you disconnect the power amp and just monitor via headphones?

    Burkhard Dinnies
    Kemper Amps Support Team

    This is in reference with your Request Ticket Number: #KA00133684. Please reply back to this email without changing the subject line if you have further clarifications.

    -- Kemper GmbH
    Koenigswall 16-18, 45657 Recklinghausen, Germany
    Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Recklinghausen, HR 4535
    Sitz d.G.: Recklinghausen, Geschäftsführer: C. Kemper, T. Matuschowski

    Yes same issues through all sources, I'll send a back up, but on the profile I didn't adjust the gain only add a green screamer, this is also on factory presets as well

    I have not tried that, I thought about that but I dont want to add outboard gear, its not that I am being complicated but spending the amount of money I did, and seeing Kemper offers a TS I shouldnt have to.

    This is all the Kemper again, not my house electric, cords, guitars, amps ect. No matter the set up headphones ect it does this. This is my second Kemper in 1 week cause of this issue. From support telling me is everyones Kemper does this.

    I am building patches also by ear not by eye, I am sure allot of people can say omg 3 oclock on gain is allot, in reality its not, yes I use a noise gate in reality and tubescreamer. I can get my direct main out tone to sound right but the monitor out to poweramp cab is under gain. Yes, I know that using a physical cab will sound different than the profile because the profile has a different cab, with mic and room blah blah. I dont expect to sound like the direct profile, I do expect to sound like an amp with gain. The sound I have is amazing full amp tone the issue is the gain and gain only. I guarantee to all of you, your Kemper does this also cause that what support is telling me. Again, I am not building a tone I do not use with real amps or another type of amplifier modeler. With gain I do expect noise, thats the nature of the beast but that high pitch in the video is not right, also why when hitting buttons like -12 main out will the sound disappear but to come back when played? This is an internal limitation, what I dont understand is other devices do not do this and seems with all effects and everything they are really hitting cpus hard, but the Kemper is so open that their cpu can not be really overworking so to speak. All I need this unit to do is the gain setting with no noise and I am 100% on board. Again listen to the video my tone is not exaggerated gain it is in fact real world sounding gain.

    I get this regardless of factory or rig exchange rigs, if you see in the video weird things like hitting the -12 on mains will stop the noise then I'll play and the noise comes back. Try a high gain profile like olas evenah or how ever he spells it, add a green scream 0 gain 0 volume add a noise gate to silence the swoosh and you'll hear it though headphones after you play, then hit like a 3db clean boost and it'll really come through, it's enough I would be embarrass live, oh set amp gain to like 3 o'clock

    like I said it sounds amazing just I can't dial in high gain, well full gain. I have owned almost every major high gain amp and my set up never changes. I also only mention Fractal cause I just came from the ax8 before the ultra and standard, and I'm not a fan boy those guys hate me cause I'm not a fan boy and have opinions so don't think I'm trying to promote another product, but for the money invested I find this such a stupid issue. Searching I've found several of the same complaints on here, I would assume some of the complaints became new customers of another brand