Posts by Javiover

    I love the idea of merged profiles. But I want to share a thought with you guys...
    if I make a merged profile by myself, with my amp and my cab, then it's great, it will work perfectly for me because it has been made with my setup...
    But if I buy a commercial profile, suppose that it consists of a Mark V head and an orange 4x12 cab, If I had that same orange cab, that profile would be perfect for me because I would only have to make minor adjustments to fit it to my guitar. but if I have a ENGL PRO 4x12 cab, for example, I'll probably have to make bigger EQ adjustments to make it to sound good with my ENGL cab. These adjustments probably will make the profile to sound bad in the PA system (FOH) , with the orange cabin activated. If there was an EQ in the cab module that did not affect the direct sound, the merged profiles would be fantastic because we could equalize them so that they sounded well on our CAB and we could compensate those changes in EQ with the EQ on the cab module so that it sounds good too direct to FOH:)