Posts by Lunatech Fringe

    Hi, everyone.

    What is the preferred way to tweak tone for recording via SPDIF output to a DAW without affecting a stereo cabinet connected to the Monitor and Direct outputs? I have several rigs configured to use an external amp with a cabinet for my "room sound" while simultaneously using the SPDIF output for recording.


    Hi Karl,

    You may be right regarding processing, and it was an exaggerated example. If I had a slow delay on a high gain lead that played into a change where the guitar part was slow and clean, it would certainly be more dramatic and natural to decay as you would hear it before switching to the clean preset. Spillover the way it is now is good, but I think it can be better. The current spillover time feels a bit abrupt.


    I have the latest OS installed, but I still cannot find a way to allow spillover to fade naturally. It always seems to do it in a few seconds, even if changing from a preset where the delay tail is longer (let's say, an eight-second tail). I have spillover on and can hear it, but it would be nice to allow the spillover to occur according to the last audible reverb and / or delay setting.

    For example, I would like a high gain amp with long reverb and delay tails set to stop at their natural decay values when switching to a clean amp with no effects.


    My suggestion regards morphing. Please include an option to decide whether the base sound starts with lower LED or upper LED states. I want one of my EP1-KP pedals configured as MorphPedal >Pitch to start with non-effected tones while the pedal is toe down, increasing effected levels when it is heel down. When I return to the toe down position, it allows me to switch to the pitch pedal with a non-pitched sound in the toe down position for a cleaner transition. This allows me to change the pitch via heel down. When it returns to toe down, and I switch the pedal back to Morph, it's back in a non-effected state.


    Since I'm mainly using my Kemper Profiler Rack in a home studio / jam space, I have a feature request regarding cabinet simulation. I have listed how I would like to route my audio below.

    1) Main Outs (stereo) > stereo power amp > Marshall stereo cab

    2) Direct Send > DigiTech IPS 33B (or any external stereo effects unit) > returns (stereo)

    3) SPDIF to Waves DiGiGrid IOS / DAW

    Being able to control cabinet simulation for all outputs independently would be super helpful in a future release.
