Posts by ardaerboz

    Hey guys!

    I used to use morphing with some expression pedals but, I recently changed my setup and now I'm only using KPA with my Remote on my live shows (without any stompboxes or expression pedals) and I realized that I'm not using the "Upper LED" mode at all.

    I watched tons of videos about morphing and I'm confused about a very basic stuff...

    In the manual (and in all of those videos) it says: "This state represents the “Base Sound” of the Rig. If

    you press this Rig Button again, you will see that the upper LED of this knob lights up, while the lower LED is

    Well.. Idk why but, when I hit the button second time it does nothing. If I press the "morph button" on rig menu, it activates the upper LED, I can change the parameters (I can see the M logo around them) but because of this problem I can't use them at all. my tone is just goes back to the base sound when I hit the rig button again.

    I want to understand what am I missing about that because honestly it's a great feature but I'm just frustrated right now.

    (I'm trying to use it as a momentary pitch effect for example)

    Hello everyone,
    I recently bought a KPA (non powered version) and Kemper controller.
    I'm also using a bunch of pedals in my rig and I'm always thinking to buy a One Control Crocodile to control all of them (plus I want to control it automatically via protools or ableton in live shows)

    My question is; can I control the KPA and all my pedals with just a midi controller (especially with One Control)?
    Or am I too imaginative about that? 8|