Posts by RaiZuke


    I was actually surprised to find out that this is not a feature.

    I think we should have the possibility to assign LCD color to rigs/channels.

    Even if it's just set colors for each channel, 1 through 5, to confirm I am on the right setting in case I cant hear myself I can have visual confirmation.

    Please add something like this :):*

    Hi, welcome and have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper....

    Sorry, no idea regarding your question about the color changes. Don't think so that it is possible. Did you have a look into the manual which changes on the display are possible?

    I couldn't find anything about assigning a color to a rig. I did find the option to change the default LCD color and I noticed the screen changes colors when browsing through effects.


    I have become the proud owner of my own Profiler Stage and it blew my expectations away and then some.

    Thing is, when playing live, I'd like a little more obvious way of telling what channel/rig I am on when using performance mode.

    Is there a way to make the screen color change based on the rig/channel I am on?

    Thank you :)