Posts by schoko

    Hi, i use SYSEX for this:

    "F0 00 20 33 00 00 01 00 04 41 00 00 F7" -> turn it off

    "F0 00 20 33 00 00 01 00 04 41 01 00 F7" -> turn it on

    I will publish my project for a kemper controller on github soon(controlled via midi from the browser), i will write the info in the forum too. (i really implemented a lot of the functions which are possible).

    Hi i have a fireface ucx here.

    It does matter if your Kemper is built before or after 2019 (From 2019 onwards it should be able to be master or slave).

    On the Kemper i switch to Internal (page 6 output section).

    Open fireface usb setting.

    The fireface is now synced to the kemper (see input status), means acting as slave.

    The other way round does not work here (wrong frequency is shown in input status, and in clock mode sample rate)....

    Hi folks,

    i am working on a OSC( Template to control the Kemper by midi.

    I have allready a lot of it up and running(and when it is in testable condition it would be nice if others could try that out).

    But what is anoying is that the kemper is sending in Perform mode a CC 47, value 127 after 3,4 minutes of idle.

    It seems to happening only when switching browse, perform, browse, perfrom and then wait.... :)

    (that is normal just sent when switching from perform to browse, which could be a nice identifier)

    can anyone confirm that ? (OS 8.02).

    Hi Folks,

    i try to make an OSC Template to control the Kemper via a 24" Touch Monitor.

    To convert the incoming Hex string(14 bit) to a decimal value (to update the value of the knobs on the touch monitor, when you turn a knob on the kemper) -> msb hex* 128 + lsb hex is used.

    I now want to avoid sending sysex strings like "F0 00 20 33 02 7F 7C 00 4A 04 40 00 F7" to receive the string representation of a certain value to print it under the corresponding knobs.

    But how do i calculate that with javascript or how does the kemper calculate this?

    1. 0 to 16383(x'00 00' -> x'7f 7f') -> -5db to +5db
    2. 0 to 16383(x'00 00' -> x'7f 7f') -> -inf. to +12db
    3. 0 to 16383(x'00 00' -> x'7f 7f') -> 0 to 10 (gain)

    Any hints on that?


    Hello folks,

    i successfully assigned a program change to a rig, after sending it, the profiler switches to that rig, so midi seems to work (I use open stage control and loop midi).

    But when i try to send a sysex string (midi documentiation on page 13:

    Example: To set the value of Delay Volume to 50% the controller $4a04 (9476) needs to be set to a

    value of $4000 (8192):

    -> F0 00 20 33 02 7f 01 00 4A 04 40 00 F7

    it does not change the delay volume, but a symbol "SE" can be seen (for a short amount of time).

    Any help is highly appreciated,

