Posts by thatstheplace

    Sry, tried to explain it as understandable as I could. Caused headaches for the axe support too until they noticed it’s just a normal stereo fx loop for them.^^

    Yes the guitar signal will obviously send out through the fx send but if you connect something to the fx return, the fx return signal will replace all other signals on output 1 respectively the headphone output. So in my setup you just hear the bandmix coming from Logic.

    Yeah missed that „stereo fx send“ feature of the Kemper. Thanks but I don‘t know if it is ok to use the stereo monitor out as fx send because of possibly feedback loops.

    But my problem is that after my research I don‘t think that I can get the signal from the fx return to the headphone out on the Kemper without mixing it with its direct guitar it is the same problem like with the auxiliary input feature.

    Yeah I‘m aware of the possible latency but by now its no problem with our system. Running Logic with 32 samples buffersize and got only 3ms latency with nearly no stress on the system. But if it’s going to be a problem we will use the direct monitoring of our interfaces, so we keep the benefit of making all mixes at one destination even with remote control. And if you‘re standing a few meters in front of your amp you got even more latency so I have no worry about it. An other argument for me is that I think I haven‘t an advantage in playing with my band if everyone got a latency but me.

    With the AxeFX you have a stereo fx loop, even the fx send is stereo, thats the first difference. The headphone jack is hardwired with output 1 and so we had to use output 2 (fx send) to have an independent level for the signal for the headphone and the signal for the interfaces. Now we just had to put the „virtual“ fx send at the end of the „virtual signal chain“ in the AxeFX to send everything to the interfaces. And the signal of the fx return goes to output1 respectively the headphone output cause its designated to replace the signal of output1 completely if something is connected to input 2 respectively the fx return which is the second difference cause after my research it seems you can only mix the fx return with the original signal from the Kemper.

    Any news for this Problem?

    Last week I was jamming with a bassplayer who has an axe fx 2.

    With this device you just have to use the fx loop in this setup and everything is fine...thought it could be that easy with the Kemper too but now after hours of research it doesn‘t seems so...very disappointing...


    I just called the Kemper Support a week ago and asked for a feauture like this after i finished the IEM for our rehearsal room.

    We got Logic X for our rehearsals and using it for live processing and recording of course.

    Everything is running great and I appreciate the Aux in feauture because of its possibillity to use the Kemper Headphone output as an Balanced Headphoneamp that comes even in Stereo.

    My only disadvantage with this is that you can't mute the Guitar Signal on the Headphone Out so I have to mute my Guitar Signal on my IEM comming from Logic X to avoid that the signal is duplicated, but then I don't hear the Logic X processing on my Guitar Signal what makes our workflow harder.

    The support understood my problem and told me to write a feauture request in the forum so I'm hoping we will be enough to be heard. :)