Posts by geetars

    After years of back and forth on whether this could be my cup o’ tea I finally took the plunge. Extremely glad that I did and went with Kemper!

    I’ve got 2 small children and tube amps (Perplex’D/MetroPlex/Magica & BluesMachine) that don’t get as much use these days, LoL.

    I’m like most folks (I think) and play mostly blues/blues rock. I’ve gravitated quickly to M Britt profiles, they really suit me and I’ve found that his “take” on amps I’ve owned in the past is very accurate.

    I like all the classic guitars I guess, LP, SG, 335, Tele’s & Strat’s.

    I’m not ditching my tube amps and cabs, I’m looking at the Kemper as another outstanding tool in my collection. I’ve got tons of questions but I’ll use the search function first.

    So glad I jumped in, the KPA has totally blown my mind.