Posts by ewikman


    My KPA is very new. Today I turned it on (last time was a couple days ago) and the LED panel seems to be flickering... and with USB connected for Rig Manager... I get a noise in rhythm to that same flickering. Any ideas what this could be?

    It does not come thru the outputs with the tones though. I've re-started a few times now.



    Is it better to leave the KPA on always (I work everyday in my studio) or turn it off every night? Using a smart outlet, it show's it would cost only about $8 a year in power... so does the system get stressed by powering on/off at all? Thanks!

    ...scratch17 said I'd need to out the KPA and then back to the KPA. I think that would be a round trip.

    I'd pay over $500 for this "plugin" BTW as an addition to the system. It would help so much with the way I will be using the Kemper. I make tracks all day. I only have so many inputs on my Apollo, and I don't want to keep re-wiring. I need to work fast and this wold help me so much. Also when creating... too many tracks to move around a edit can get really difficult. To have one track of the stack & stomps... and then add the plugin would be magic! I know it's a long shot but I think It would help many people.

    Thanks. No round trip. Could be so much easier with a plugin that does the same things as the delays, verbs etc. >Mute FX on your rig.. insert KPAFX plugin into channel insert on Logic Pro X.. .select the preset strip and go. It's just a wishlist thing. I know there are other ways. My computer and Logic can run hundreds of plugins so that's not an issue.


    I just bought my Kemper and love it. But I make tracks all day long and recording these great tones gives me the issue of whether to "record" the great FX or try and rebuild something in Logic on the dry tones that gets close. It's a lot of work if I track loads of different tones and styles like I do. If you were to offer a plugin that communicated with the KPA we could just bypass the effects internally and just pop the plugin on the channel strip and get back to work.... to be able to adjust during mixing.




    I thought I'd post this here since it is a request. A "random rig" button would be great to have for Rig Exchange! Do we already have this? Even for a full Kemper... it would be fun to sometimes use for inspiration or looking for forgotten rigs.