Posts by MW1995


    I‘ve got one Question.

    I‘m using my KPA with a Harley Benton GPA 4000 power amp.

    Can someone Tell me, which is the best cable to use from the Monitor out of the Kemper into the Input from my power amp? I am using a normal Short Guitar cable. And from the power amp Output i Go with a speaker cable into my 4x12 Orange ppc guitar cabinet (8Ohm).

    Thank you so much :)

    Thank you so much for your answers.

    I‘m the only Electric guitar player in my band and i use lots of delays and reverbs and spacy Things. But i Will Go for Mono. And for Mono i use 2 xlr cables running in the FOH or 1?


    Thank you so much for the information! This helps me a lot.

    So you mean, that it would be better to use Mono on stage as stereo?

    Thank you


    I am using my profiler live and i have some questions about the adjustments.

    I use 2 XLR cables from the Main Outs which Go direct to the FOH and 1 speaker cable from the monitor output on the back into my Poweramp (Harley Benton GPA 400). And from the GPA 400 i use another speaker cable, which goes into my Orange PPc212.

    Can someone please tell me, if this adjustment is good for Live Performances and which are the best settings on the Output and Input section on the Kemper?

    I‘m very sorry for my bad english, because i am austrian ;)

    Thank you, Cheers M

    Hy im from Austria, so this is in german.

    Ich habe mir endlich den Kemper Profiler (Rackversion) gekauft und möchte ihn jetzt in mein Rack einbauen.

    Ich besitze ein 8HE Live Rack mit 40cm einbautiefe. Ich möchte mir den Profiler an oberster Stelle im Rack einbauen, darunter dann die Endstufe, die Stromversorgung etc.

    Meine Frage wäre:

    Reicht es, den Kemper an den 4 Rackschrauben zu befestigen bzw. hält der Kemper an diesen Schrauben oder wird noch zusätzlich eine Rackschiene, oder etwas anderes zur Befestigung benötigt?

    Vielleicht könnte mir jemand weiterhelfen.:)

    Vielen Dank

    Lg M