Posts by barak shred

    Thank you for the detailed explanation! I thought it's gonna be working like a plugin, that i can just play the dry track and listen to it or export it with the wet sound, took me a while to figure out i need to open a seperate channel and monitor or record it, but now i think it's working fine :)

    All the guides I've found are not with cubase, after a day of trying things i realised the feedback comes from my audiofuse program output being sent to the mains, when I dissable it cubase souunds the dry signal fine, so I think the problem is somewhere in the cubase configs which I'm trying to figure out. when I connect the headphones to my kemper it sounds the reamped signal good...

    I'm trying to reamp a dry signal in Cubase 10 with Arturia Audiofuse. I connect the return Input from Kemper into my left output on the Audiofuse, the left main output of Kemper into input 1 on the Audiofuse, no more cables connected other than my speaker which connects into the right output of my Audiofuse.

    As soon as i go to the Kemper input section and change i to return input reamp, i get a feedback... if i turn down the gain on my Kemper it goes away but so is the sound. whether i'm in the Cubase or not.

    If i try to play the track while sending it to the correct output it does play it, but very noise, and if i turn up the gain on Kemper to get a good distortion sound, it feedbacks again.

    Tried so many things for hours now... anyone got an idea what Im doing wrong?

    Wanted to give my review on the profiles I got at - I've purchased the Friedman be pack, it was my first purchase of a commercial profile, and I really dig it! The cleans and the hg just sound downright amazing and very responsive without any tweakings.

    I also talked with the guy about his profiles and he provided lots of information and was really helpful, highly recommend you guys to check his stuff out!:thumbup: