Posts by fotosettore

    Welcome - curious about your Arduino/Kemper plans :)

    First of all, thanks to everyone for your warm welcome

    Regarding Arduino, I am building (in collaboration with a valid guitarist) a pedalboard that will be compatible, among others, with the kemper profiler (I have already done tests in this regard and everything works well).

    Take a look, if you wish, at the website and the characteristics of the work:



    Thank you for your answer,

    what I'm try to do is to understand how to create a sysex message to recall any rig.

    Ex.: i'm on the rig 1.

    now i want to choose the rig 18.

    Which is the right sysex command to send?

    many thanks


    i'm new of midi world.

    i'd like to interface my profiler using arduino.

    i'm using midi.h library and i'd like to want to learn sysex messages

    i saw profiler midi parameters pdf document revision 149 :

    page 17 have a example about request the name of current rig : F0 00 20 33 02 7f 43 00 00 01 F7

    it works fine.

    my question is :

    Which is the sysex command to change (SET) the rig ? For example to call rig 2 or rig 31 or others

    Sorry for my elementary question ...

    any help is appreciated

    many thanks
