Posts by EBDill

    Kemper home-base has decided that it is hardware related so they're forwarding everything to Kemper US. It takes forever to get replies from Kemper EU because of the time offset so hopefully the US base is faster. I just wanted to put an answer on here in case anyone runs into the same problem. I'll edit my comment to include whatever they tell me after looking it over.

    Clean sens and distortion sens were both at zero. I went up and down on both, but even though the sound altered slightly in more or a frequency range way it did not change the amount of the distorted sound. I went through all of my output settings and swapped stuff around including pure cabinet but nothing seems to change it.

    I sent an email to support. I realize that I may have to continue pursuing that route but I'm worried that I may have to send it in while I have shows and practices over the next month. Did you have to send yours in for repairs?

    I should have been more specific. I apologize. It is much more obvious that it is heavily distorting lower tones (which is why it is more present when playing the low E), but it is most definitely not the guitar itself as it is still present on my other electric, my bass and even my acoustic . I can still hear it in the headphones (plugged directly into the head) and turning off the stomps/ amps/ effects did not help once the volume was raised back to normal. It absolutely sounds like clipping, but the amp master is at -22 (or even lower) and it is harder to hear at lower volumes but even when my apollo twin is all the way down I can still hear it. It is quite obviously the Kemper itself. I should say that even on the higher strings, it sounds warbly and thin. I also did a hard reset on my apollo, just in case, and I don't see any clipping on the input.

    I thought that my studio speakers were blown at first. I checked my cables, and went through a bunch of steps but when I bypassed the Kemper it finally went away. I went through a bunch of setting but couldn't fix it. I did a backup, fully reset the Kemper through the 1st soft button on startup and it seemed to go away but didn't sound great. When I restored an older backup from two months ago, it came right back. It's noticeable on every profile although more noticeable on profiles with even the slightest amount of gain and I mean slightest. Think John Mayer clean gain. lol Its mainly on the low E string, but the profiles all sound horrible like they're being played through two cups connected by a string. I normally run out of the main left into everything. Today I'm going to try running out to a powered speaker, but I don't expect any different results. Thank you for any help!