Posts by Kerlaga

    I'm currently using one performance patch per song with my band, and it's dawning on me that that might not be the best thing to do.

    Do you use one patch with a clean > crunch> gain > lead > "special (like a wacky OTT lead sound or a tonne of effects you don't otherwise use)", or do you use one performance patch per song? Do you have as many patches as you have guitars and tweak to fit that guitar's personality?

    If you use one performance patch per song using different amps/cabs etc. how do you keep your level consistent throughout your set?

    I figured it out, feel a bit silly now!

    I did have it in the EXP out from the pedal > Kemper. However I had it as pedal mode 2, not pedal mode 1. I changed this (by accident I might add) and now it works perfectly. I also added a few of the settings in the master thread list and found a 535q setting I adore so now I'm a happy KPA user :)

    Thanks for your help though :)

    I've had a play with the kemper again today and the pedal calibration runs to about 50% when I've barely gone through any of the sweep of the pedal itself, so the sweep has finished and I still have about 30% of the pedal left. Any ideas on how to resolve this?

    Hi all

    I use a kemper stage with a dunlop DVP3 pedal for my wah. The sweep feels like it's finished when I've only used about half of the pedal's range. I don't have any manual created wah presets, I just use the stock. Does anyone have any experience in sorting this out?

    Hi all!

    Just wondering if an expression pedal works with the Kemper Stage across multiple rigs/presets in different ways. I've seen a few people with two expression pedals on their Kemper, so I'm just curious how it works.

    For example, if I have a performance that uses volume swells, and then in the next song it's a pitch shift, and then the song after it's a wah, can I use the expression pedal for all of this, or is it set universally? i.e. if I plug in to expression slot 2, which is wah by default, is it wah on all of the presets, or can I change it per performance/rig?

    Many thanks