Please name your profiles properly!

  • I wish that the Amp tag was either longer, or there were specific tags for Brand, Model, Number, Ext (i.e. VOX AC 15 HW) or (Marshall JCM 800 Mod)

    I personally like to see the full name: Marshall, Vox, Fender, as I hate seeing "Marsh" or "Fndr". I don't have a problem with "Swart AST" instead of "Swart Atomic Space Tone" as the COMPANY advertises that way, or if it was industry standard references.

    But My Wish would be just that: Brand, Model, Number, Ext and written as advertised, so searching would show up all correct models.

  • I'm not sure that not using the tags was debated. Using the tags is a must as there is not enough room to name everything used. The question I posed about the naming structure, however, has yet to be answered.

    OR15 V8G7 TMB5........Fruit 1, Fruit 2.........Orange Clean A, Orange Crunch C...OR 1..... StoneSour full. You decide, which one makes the most sense and gives the clearest description?

    If we know something can be better yet we continue on the path that is worse we have adopted the definition of insanity......What is the better method? That is what should be incorporated to some extent or another by the community. Maybe people do that differently, which is fine, but within the name and tags all can be defined with great accuracy and the world will be a better place for all "Kemperites".

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup: