How to keep the focus on the browser while... browsing X)

  • I remember we had discussed this some years ago: when you use the Browse knob to... browse anything (rigs, presets, cabs...) after about 2" the pool loses the focus, and you have to turn the knob again just in order for the pool to appear again.

    You may browse through the Rig button as well. If you use the Up\Down ones you skip to the next ordinal unit depending on the sorting criteria you've selected (the next value in gain, the next alphabetical letter if per Author or per Amp etc.), while the Right\Left buttons will scroll the list one item per time.

    This should be quite well-known, but maybe not all know that if you use the Browse knob in order to switch to the pool, and then use the Rig buttons before the focus is lost, the list of items will keep the focus and you won't find yourselves back to the main view.
    In order to force this, just press Esc (or slightly turn the Browse knob again).