Blind Test: Axe-Fx III vs. Kemper Profile

  • word of advise: if you want to make a serious comparison, maybe don't choose soundcloud to host it. don't you realize how much soundcloud degrades the quality of the recording? why talking details when you look at things through a filter which possibly even masks some of the broader strokes?

    What site would you recommend? Most people don’t use uncompressed WAV files loaded to a site like Dropbox to manage and play their music. So in terms of conducting a test I think it is perfectly valid to post it to a site that represents real world usage. If you really wanted to make it a real world test, Youtube would actually have been better!

  • ... If I would have wanted to direct it to you specifically, I would have tagged you in my post.

    You seem to be under some sort of misunderstanding that your intent defines how others use the Internet. Instead of blaming him for a perfectly reasonable assumption why not work to make your communication clearer?

    no, I won't. but it would be a good idea if you would put your comparison up on your dropbox and replace the soundcloud links.

    Why not follow some of your own advice and start a new thread where you post your own examples to discuss player fidelity rather than demand that someone else undo all their work to meet your expectations? The purpose of this thread was not what site is the best site for audio comparisons, it was can you determine which clip is the original and which is from the profile.

  • Real world usage would in the context of a mix and they would hard to tell apart anyway.

    When the differences are this big as here, I'm pretty positive that in my own use the files would be very different work with.

    But it's not a typical case of profiling. Differences way bigger here than usual imo.

    The bonanza

  • I preferred 2 and thought it must be the axe because it's newer technology and due to the infamous kemper high end boost . I found the harmonics of clip 1 (the axe) too pure and not authentic almost too sine like....... But as the kemper is trying to emulate the axe it's failing too reproduce this so I am confused.............. as I am as to the purpose of this test.

    The Kemper tone here (not considering further tweaking) is the result of profiling a tone consisting of 3 emulations of distortion pedals and also an active axe fx tone matching block, as far as described.

    Imo we are quite deep in experimental waters at that point. It's not so surprising the result is more innacurate compared to many other cases where profiling works at its best, without multiple distorting stages.

    The bonanza

  • I don't know if something was continued in private but wow, if SwAn1 was banned for what he expressed here, it felt perfectly reasonable and wasn't rude.

    @G String , we all assumed based on your original post that it was directed at this thread and to ColdFrixon who provided the SoundCloud clips, even if the language was more broad. Going back and reading it, I don't see how it can really be viewed another way.