Tremolo present on all presets

  • Hello everyone, last night during rehearsal using the KPA in performance mode with its remote controller and expression pedal, I noticed that on all the presets of all the saved permormance banks, a quite marked tremolo is audible. The tremolo effect is not present in the effects chain, but is still audible (both on clean tones and crunch, distortion, lead, ...). The problem occurred immediately as soon as I turned on the KPA (power head version), I tried to restart it but without solving the problem. Before yesterday evening there was no problem. Can anyone help me get rid of this annoying background tremolo? Thank you very much

  • this sounds as if you have an open cable connected to one of the pedal inputs that is configured to work as a volume pedal. The open cable acts like an antenna and produces a cycling volume sweep that sounds like a tremolo.

    Please check your pedal inputs and set all of the ones that you do not use to "off" on the corresponding pages in the system menu.

  • this sounds as if you have an open cable connected to one of the pedal inputs that is configured to work as a volume pedal. The open cable acts like an antenna and produces a cycling volume sweep that sounds like a tremolo.

    Please check your pedal inputs and set all of the ones that you do not use to "off" on the corresponding pages in the system menu.

    Sounds interesting. Might have to try that :)

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