modifying my FBV Longboard into an universal controller for MIDI

  • i baught a second hand FBV and added an Arduino microcontroller inside.

    with only 2000 lines of code (quick and dirty) i can decide to:

    control my Kemper

    or my VOX AD120VT

    or send Powerchords to a synthesizer to have chords while soloing.

    i also found some leftovers of golden spray color8).

  • Oh bro, I am into the train of converting my FVB Shortboard MKii into a full midi control station. You might be an inspiration to go forward.

    Fast question, ¿are you using the arduino as an USB midi host? or are you actually reconnecting the whole thing to the arduino inputs and outputs?

    Awesome work, I hate how such sturdy pedalboards are ruined by being only usables by line6 propietary BS

    The answer is 42

  • I use an Arduino Mega with standard Midi Connection (not USB).
    This time i built it inside.
    I use another one with external case whereI connect to the RJ45 Socket of the FBV, so there is no need to open the FBV :)

    I made a c++ class to get Information from and control the FBV.
    i have a project on GitHub
    where you can find the class and other sources (very quick and dirty as i am not good in c++, but working ).

    if you have questions i will try to help you

  • Sweet, thanks a lot, first I am opening my FVB and solving if the RJ45 sends actual midi, or a coded propietary version of it. After that, I can solve the reoute I want to go. I am an electronic engineer so in theory this should be a cake walk compared to a lot of projects I did with texas instrument processors. Arduino will be :D

    The answer is 42

  • OK, i think it will be very easy for you.
    but to omit unnecessary work, there is a good description of the Commands and connections (not real midi) sent and received by the FBV i found this years after starting my own research.

    There is not much logic in the FBV. it only sends key-pressed, key-released and pedal moved.
    and it receives LED on, LED off and Display Information.