Serious bug in the last RM update.

  • I installed the latest update of Rig Manager. I can't rename slot or rig in it !

    Does anyone else have this problem ?

    I was gonna post this, but you got it.

    It loses contact with my Stage after a few minutes and I gotta unplug and plug back in the usb to mac, I click on profiles and they dont change the patch, but I see the change on the kemper screen. Also, when I use the Stage without the Mac/rig mgr, many of the prolies stored in there are gone. Weird. Messing with my flow.

  • Your current Rig Manager will suggest an update to 3.3.50 which is a release revision and handle the upgrade if you confirm.

    If you havn't installed Rig Manager yet, download the latest version at the KEMPER download page and install that revision. It will suggest an update as needed.