Allow pre-stack drives to increase rig volume

  • I would like to humbly ask for consideration of allowing pre-stack drives to increase rig volume, to mirror the traditional use of drives/boost effects in front of amps for volume boosts.

    My current workaround is to assign an effect button on the remote to both a pre-stack overdrive and a post-stack pure booster, as I don’t want to occupy the morph for this function. This also has the effect of having to essentially “give up” my first post-stack effect slot to a pure booster for every rig.

    I am less than a week in with the kemper, but I’m already enjoying it a lot. With 10+ years of development, I recognize that there are likely many other considerations taken with regards to rig volumes and consistency, and implementing something like this would not be a simple task.

    So I really appreciate any consideration given on this request!