"Super stereo" effect?

  • I see it is possible to create a "super stereo" effect for delays but don't know what that means. I thought stereo was stereo.


    When you move the Stereo soft knob beyond the +/-100% setting, the super-stereo effect comes into place.

    What is "super stereo"?

  • Dynochrome When dialing in values beyond the 100% mark, the stereo image moves beyond the normal stereo field and seems to come from 'outside' your speaker setup. Works best in a well-setup stereo monitor scenario.

  • Reading the manual:

    novel "super-stereo” effect that lets the delay reflections appear well outside the regular stereo image. This effect works best if you are well positioned in the correct stereo triangle of your speakers. To get the most prominent effect, set the delay taps to different delay times.

    Doesn't give me a clue to what is happening with the delay signal. A cross delay? What would be the use?