EQ spike at 22khz since updating to OS 9.05

  • Hi,

    Anyone else got a weird little EQ spike around 22khz since the latest update? (to OS 9.05 - I was on OS 8.7 previously)

    It wasn't there on guitars I recorded the day before updating (and I would definitely have noticed this before anyway while EQ-ing in ProQ), but it's there now on any profile I try. Thought it might be spdif related, but get the same thing via the main xlr outs. If you've got a noise gate on, you'll need to gently strum the guitar to see it on a spectrum analyser (or turn the noise gate(s) off).

    Pic 1 is with some open strings gently strummed - Pic 2 is with noise gates off and gtr volume pot at zero. On pic 2, you'll also notice some noise a bit lower down the spectrum (marked by the green circle) - not sure if that was there before or not as I've never had any reason to look at the spectrum anaylser with noise gates and gtr vol off before - and this varies in shape and size depending on the profile - so maybe it's normal "amp background noise"? But the little spike at 22khz is definitely new, and is constant in shape and size on any profile. It's inaudible - but still... it wasn't there before the update, hence wondering if something's wrong. Nothing else with my setup has changed other than the OS update.

    btw, I made a backup directly before updating the OS from 8.7 to 9.05, and tried rolling back to this - however, I notice that when the Kemper starts up, it still says OS 9.05 - tried restoring the backup twice, seemed to be successful each time, but still says OS 9.05 on startup. So does restoring a backup just restore content, and not the OS the backup was made with? (and EQ spike still there even after restoring backup)

    I've contacted support, but could anyone else who's updated to OS 9.05 let me know if they're also now seeing this spike at 22khz?


    SOLVED: heard back from Kemper support (very quickly, as usual, thanks!) - 22khz spike a known issue, noise lower down the spectrum normal (part of amp hum in the profile, as I surmised), and also normal that restoring a Kemper backup only affects content, not rolls back OS. So, all good basically.

  • A backup restores the content, not the OS.

    To do that, you need the KAOS file.

    Thanks, good to have that confirmed! Was a bit worried my Kemper's restore process had gone haywire too :)

    And yes, I presume I can get an older OS file somewhere on the Kemper site, but thought I'd wait to see if other's also are seeing this spike. Was 100% definitely not there before the update, so has to be connected somehow, or a massive coincidence if something else is causing it.

  • SOLVED: heard back from Kemper support (very quickly, as usual, thanks!) - 22khz spike a known issue, noise lower down the spectrum normal (part of amp hum in the profile, as I surmised), and also normal that restoring a Kemper backup only affects content, not rolls back OS. So, all good basically.