Posts by Joptunes

    A lot of it will depend on how you want to manage your profile, amount of button pushed you want to do, and how many different sounds you need.

    Since you mentioned not wanting to tap dance too much, and 50 song set list, I would recommend performance mode.
    A performance is 5 slots or think of 5 different tones or settings. If each song has no more than 5 different settings/tones needed, then it's a simple button push to get from one slot to the next. You can jump around and go from slot 1 to slot 3 for say changing from your verse tone to a bridge tone for the song. This will allow you to setup a performance for each song and scroll through them for a gig. The main nice thing about performance mode is that the settings are separate from your profiles in browser mode. So you can load up a profile into slot 1, change everything from tone, gain, FX everything and store it in that slot. You don't need to store it as a separate profile again in your browser mode. pretty cool! Just be sure to press store so you don't lose changes you made.

    Downside of using performance mode this way is that you can use up a lot of slots quickly. Set up a good verse tone in slot 1, then for the next verse say you want the same tone but with a flanger going, then you take up 2 slots. If you do a lot of this then you eat up slots quickly in a performance. If you don't do that much, then not a big deal.

    A compromise may be to use the GCP to switch between performances and slots, but also keep the common used stomp/FX blocks available through the instant access switches. That way within a given performance slot you can turn stomps and FX on/off on the fly and not need to save them into separate performance slots.

    I think the link from Pete goes into some details about how to setup the GCP that way.

    You can always just stay in browser mode and make a separate profile for every song and sound you need, then midi map them in order so your GCP can just send incremental PC changes to go from one to the next.

    You have a lot of options and it really depends on how you want to manage your performance flow etc.

    God luck.

    When you load up a slot and want to compare to another sound, are you moving to the next slot in the performance? That will keep the changes you made in the first slot, then you load up another rig in the second slot and compare the two. Once you jump out of performance mode is when you will lose the changes. What steps are you taking to do comparisons, that will help identify any issues.


    I have to agree, it's a perfect tool for worship guitar player. No more sticking your amps in a room 20 feet away, being asked to turn down! And the tones are great.

    I recently purchased a Liquid Foot +12+ and it is a great controller for the KPA. It's not cheap but it sure delivers the goods and allows creative control like no other foot controllers.


    I have really been happy with the programming results. Each day I've spent 45 minutes to an hour playing around and trying different things. A lot depends on how you want your foot controller to work and then make it happen.

    For example, you have presets, pages, songs, set lists, IA slots, and it's a lot to take in. But once you understand that all of these things are programmable and you put them where you want them, it's very powerful.

    My first run was a straight forward thing where the bottom row of switches would trigger my four favorite profiles. The top eight switches were setup to turn on/off the 4 stomp and 4 FX slots. Easy enough, worked great. Next I removed the switch to turn reverb on/off and put in tap/tuner control instead. 2 minutes later, it's done and you can put and of these switches wherever you want them. You can also assign two functions to each switch. So the tap/tempo switch is tap like normal, but if you press and hold it turns into tuner control. So each switch can have 2 functions meaning 12 buttons now turns into 24 buttons.

    All of this is on just the first page and there are 50 pages you can setup!
    So started to play with CC controls. Using step commands I have a switch that will toggle rotary speed, another button that changes delay mix from 50% to 80% and a third press goes to 100%, the fourth click cycles back around to 50%. Another step switch will take reverb time from the default setting to 10s so you can get the long/hold/freeze thing going, I hit the same button a second time and it bypasses the reverb block so I can play lead lines over the long decaying tones, etc. you can program the controller to do anything you can dream of within the controller itself. Then you can utilize all of the parameters in the KPA that will respond to midi commands.

    Currently I have it setup so the first page has my 10 favorite and often used profiles. One button is for tap/tuner and another button to go to page 2. Whenever I select a profile the LF triggers that profile on the KPA, and automatically jumps to page 2. I have page 2 setup to be on/off switches for the 3 stomp and 4 FX blocks, tap/tuner, and 3 CC controls (delay mix, rotary speed, reverb time) and one button to get back to page 1 and select another rig. All of this is because that's how I want it to work and if I want to change it later I can. Very powerful stuff. You program light colors, all kinds of stuff.

    I'm no midi guru so I'm just barely scratching the surface on what this thing can do.

    Sorry for the long ramble and I know it's probably hard to follow without seeing it live, but I'm very impressed with the controller. It works great with the KPA. Maybe a video in the near future. Also, LF put up a YouTube video recently where there are no wires for midi/power/ or syncing to your computer. It's all done via Bluetooth! So much like the KPA, they are staying on the cutting edge of development and pushing things forward.


    On the list of things to do today!

    This controller is pretty amazing! I have been playing with pretty much every CC parameter and thinking of ways to integrate into this foot controller. The step commands are very cool allowing you to change delay/mix levels on the fly, and getting pretty close to usable "freeze" type setup by adjusting the Reverb Time. Anything you can think of, that can be controller by the KPA MIDI implementation is at your feet, pretty cool !!

    Couldn't get the pic to embed in the message, so here is a URL.

    Sorry Ingolf, Mrs. Claus wanted to remain anonymous to protect future Christmas'


    Mrs. Claus hit a home run this year. She set me up with a new Liquid Foot + 12+ controller, and a Mission Engineering Pedal (in Christmas Red of course :) )

    Spent a few hours getting everything up and working. Pretty powerful controller for sure. Not cheap by any means, but I can't imagine hooking this thing up to any midi device and it not being able to do what I need it to do. So hoping it will be the end all for some time to come for me.

    The KPA still continues to amaze me everyday......
    Awesome Product....

    Merry Christmas everyone.....


    Yes, move pedal and Wah engages, stop moving and it turns off. Great for straight Wah and a basic expression pedal.

    I plan to use the Mission SP1-LF (designed for the liquid foot controller). Have a Wah setup in stomp A on all rigs. Setup the KPA so that when the Wah is not active, the pedal works as a volume control. The SP1 has the normal sweep and toe button. So when you push the toe button it in effect is switching between a working Wah or volume pedal. It requires using both outputs of the pedal, one for expression/sweep control, the other output for the toe select/on/off button.

    Goal is to carry around one pedal and use it for both features since you never really use Wah and volume pedal at the same time anyway, it should work :)


    For the ground control I have an expression pedal set to control volume. In the new software when you reduce the volume down to zero it goes into tuner mode. That way I use the tuner on the KPA as it's close enough for me to see. I find that swells still work somewhat if I put the volume control after the amp but before the efx blocks. Saves me from carrying around an external tuner.

    I have the old ground control and not the pro. The pro is supposed to let you do CC messages with some of the switches so you should be able to set that up for tap tempo. So you can have one row of switches set to do program changes and another row for CC messages. Since my version doesn't do that I run a simple footswitch to the jack inputs on back of KPA for tap tempo.

    In terms of slots, that only pertains to using the KPA in performance mode. In normal browser mode you pull up a rig via a midi PC command. That just brings up the rig as it was stored. Let's say you want the same patch but with delay turned on, then you either have a footswitch that will turn on the delay in the existing patch, or you need to make another patch with the delay on. Needless to say, the last method takes up a lot of rig space :). The GC Pro can be configured to turn on/off the efx/stomps via CC messages. Only issue is that you don't get any feedback and lights to tell you the current status of the block. Hope that makes sense.

    In performance mode, you have a performance, and each one has 5 slots. So you pull up a rig into a slot, make any changes to it like EQ, gain, efx/stomps etc. then you store that setting in that performance slot. This is all separate from your browser rigs. In theory you setup a performance for each song and it gives you 5 different tones/settings per song. This is all called up via simple midi PC messages. First performance slot 1 is midi PC 1, slot 2 is midi PC 2, etc. so with a simple midi footswitch you can jump through a lot of presets as I like to think of them as.

    Hope that helps! A lot depends on how often you change profiles during a service. If you mostly use one profile and then just add in efx or boosts, then that can all be done easily with the GC Pro or even basic foot switches connected to the back and bypass midi all together. If you change a lot and have wildly different settings, then maybe performance mode makes more sense. Both modes can be handled with the GC pro.

    Let us know if you have any questions.

    I play each Sunday and use the KPA with a ground control footswitch. This allows for program changes as well as CC for Wah and volume. Currently the main rigs are the Morgan AC20, Bogner Goldfinger, and a Marshall JTM50 Blackflag. I use in-ears 100% of the time now.

    Mostly staying in performance mode so this requires a slot change to add things like delay or more gain. Not a biggie right now, but my plan is to integrate a liquid foot 12+ pedal to allow real time control of all efx and stomp slots, etc.


    Glad it's working, and great offer to update the wiki!

    Don't shy away from the CC stuff, it's actually not that hard once you do it a few times and having control of the Wah/volume/pitch all right there is pretty cool.

    Each device/effect (Wah, pitch, volume) can be controlled by a specific CC number. So on each patch of the peak you can assign any connected expression pedal to control these effects. This allows you to use one pedal to control multiple things, so you can have a Wah set on patch one, then control the pitch effect on patch 2 with the same pedal. You can always connect more than one expression pedal as well.

    Check the latest notes or wiki for what CC controls what effect and play around. I don't have them memorized.


    I have never used the peak controller, but I took a look at the user manual and it mentions being able to program the presets. So I think you can go into the first preset on bank 2, and program it to send the right program change command for your second performance, slot 1. That would be midi program change 6. The default in the peak is probably set to 5. So you'll need to reprogram the first preset of each bank to go where you want it. Slot 5 in each performance would be ignored, but sounds like that will work for you.

    The midi program numbers on the KPA are simple, just add 5 from one song to the next. So performance 1 slot 1 is midi PC 1. Performance 2 slot 1 is midi PC6, performance 3 slot 1 is midi PC11 etc.

    Hope that helps, let us know if it works.