Posts by Ilelee

    Now that I were able to try these at band volumes using quality ear plugs, the sound was indeed a bit muddy in this context, at least compared to other profiles I have been using (and those might be thought as "too bright" by some.. everything is relative). It's nothing which some EQ adjusting could remedy though (and maybe it's how the amp sounds). Good thing is that they sound quite different from the others I have.

    Bought the pack as I was curious of the amp because it has received quite a lot of praise and I still haven't seen any negative comments about it. I tried the sounds with three different guitars (Ibanez JEM's and UV's, one guitar in D-tuning) at home using studio monitors and at the band practice room with higher volume using Atomic CLR. In all cases I didn't find them muddy at all (or too bright). In general, the amp/these profiles sound very promising, enough meat but still good separation and clarity (and not too much gain which seem to be often the case with more "metal" oriented profiles/amps). Remains to be seen how they will work in band practice context (we play covers of Opeth, Tool, etc.)...

    Just a suggestion, try some grease / lubricant, oil etc. to all moving parts on the bridge. I had a annoying sound coming from one of my guitars (higher end ibanez with floating bridge) and after struggling to find out what was wrong at first, I tried spraying this lubricating contact cleaner (has some oil) to moving parts of the bridge and took the problem away (though I have to do it again once in a while to prevent it coming back).

    The sound on the clips is very similar that I had, I guess the difference is that I was able to hear mine acoustically too (by bending high-e from certain frets).

    Hmm, there has been something similar with my Profiler + Remote. The symptoms have been such that it seems the the remote does not get enough / any power at times (screen dims and once the Remove even complained about power issues on the screen). If I try to adjust the plug on Profiler end it seems to help... I really hope it's the cable, and not the ethernet port on the Profiler (my Profiler is two years old and I don't know how guarantee would work in this case as this port haven't been used before Remove came).

    I have been now using another, basic Cat5 cable and I haven't run into similar issue... so keeping fingers crossed that it's just faulty cable.

    My ears tell that at least the D/A in Kemper is very good. I own a Benchmark DAC-1, which is really good D/A converted and when I compare those two a year ago (by ear) I didn't find much difference in quality (from Kemper -> Monitors vs. Kemper SPDIF -> Benchmark DAC-1 -> monitors. I did find that the Kemper's own were definitely better than the one's in my Focusrite audio interface though!

    So based on my own experiences, I think such claims are BS

    I use mainly commercial ones, which I have bought from Soundside, TAF, Pete's, MBritt and some others. I don't have the time not I want to waste a lot of time to try to find ones I really like from Rig Exchange, it's just too much effort.

    Here are my other reasons:
    - I trust the judgement of this vendors and the expertise to capture the sound of whatever they are profiling (I try a lot of profile's of amps I never have even heard before so I don't know what they even should sound like before I try the Profile). I also trust in general that I get quality stuff when I buy from these trusted vendors and if I don't like the profiles, it usually means it just does not suit me for whatever reason, I don't need to wonder is it just because the profile is crap.
    - I like to have multiple profiles of the same amp with different settings (for different guitars, for finding the ones I like)... though sometimes some vendors go a bit overboard with this.

    I think the commercial profiles are generally pretty cheap (compared to real amps!), and even if I end up not liking some profiles, at least I didn't pay too much. The cost easily covers the time (time costs money) I would need to spend to go over the free ones.

    One thing, I'm actually a bit surprised how different the profiles are between different vendors. There is definitely difference how Soundside profiles sound vs. TAF or vs. Pete's (tough some of this is related on what effects are set on as default). So even if you don't like one vendor's stuff, it doesn't mean you wouldn't like others.

    btw. I didn't like many of the free TAF-rig pack profiles for some reason, but I liked many of the packs I bought from TAF.. go figure.

    So, is this the first time the profiling algorithm has been touched since the Kemper release?

    Anyway, bass response on some profiles and rig switching time has been couple of the biggest complaints I have been reading in this forum, very nice to see that those issue have now been addressed. Seems like a major release :thumbup:

    Try to avoid sorting the rigs before you change any of the tags (just use the default order you get when you start up the RM). There is some bugs that if you first sort (let say based on name), then try to change some tags, it causes all sorts of issues and can easy crash the RM (I think it causes issues with deleting too). I reported this a while ago to Kemper.

    How are you meant to even use the Kemper's own monitor outputs when using or recording with a DAW anyway?

    Pure monitor mixer? That's one way to guarantee that what you hear as you record isn't what goes down on tape...

    I'm no professional, but not sure I get your point. If I'm recording through spdif directly, meaning digitally, it would be alway up to the DAC (and other equipment) how it would sound when played back. How does it help to use crappier audio interface for monitoring? Anyway, I think I'm looking from guitar player's angle not from studio engineer's... and as a player, I want myself sound as good a possible during performance and check afterwards how it turned out.

    hi!via spdif u convert the digital output from kemper with ur interface's converters, kempers converter to analog out is magnificent, it might be that diference between the two converters kemper vs interface...

    Yep, a year ago I tested this a bit. I have Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 audio interface and also high-end Benchmark DAC1 digital audio converter, and Focusrite own were clearly inferior to Kemper's built-in converters (Focusrite sounded a bit weak and subdued). On the other hand, there was little difference between Kemper and Benchmark DAC1 (and DAC1 have been miles better then pretty much everything else I have tried this far), so it's definitely very good and that was a pleasant surprise.

    What I do now is that I have SPDIF connected, but I use that only for recording. I use the Kemper's analog outs for all monitoring purposes.

    So my recommendation is to use Kemper's analog outs for monitoring unless you have some high-end audio interface or separate digital audio converter.

    He actually list's all the gear he used in each album in his very recent book "Strange beautiful music: A Musical memoir" which is a quite a very good read for guitarist and musicians in general who like's his stuff (not a basic biography, it really is "musical memoir")

    Anyway on Extremist, he used (amps and effects on the album) '69 Marshall full stack", Marshall 6100, Roland JC-120, '64 Fender Vibrolux Reverb, Soldano 100-watt head, Mesa Boogie Dual Rectrifier head, Cry Baby Wah's, Boss DS-1, OD-1 and CE-2 pedals

    Main guitars were ibanez JS-series, but he lists some Kramer, some Strat, some acoustic, banjo etc.

    From the book I remember he writing that he used to get his lead sounds in earlier albums mostly from the Boss pedals on top of clean sound (not sure was it even that JC-120 he has used forever or was that only used on the clean parts). The Peavey amps came much later, (2002 was first album to use Peavey amp).

    I have a JS-series guitar and it definitely has part of the "Satriani-sound".