Profiling question

  • Hey gang,

    I'm one of those folks who haven't profiled an amp due to a serious lack of tube amps.
    So I have to ask a pretty simple question:

    If you profile an amp, which parts of the signal chain are automatically 'generated' and 'adjusted' by the profiling process? Only the AMP's and the CAB's profile data? Or is there some automatic EQ adjustment in the STACK section as well? Any other parameters? Would like to add this info to our Wiki.


  • Only the amp and stack.

    Allegedly CK once claimed there are over 60 parameters set in a profiling session.
    If so, most of them are hidden - definition and gain are set automatically and the rest are added to the sound - so that on 0 they should represent the sound of the profiled amp.
    The rest default to 0 and 3.3 for the tube shape.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Ok, thanks.
    So if I understand you correctly, there's only the actual profile data (split into amp data and cab data under the hood), the 'Definition' parameter of the 'AMP' slot and the 'GAIN' parameter set automatically. Is that correct? Nothing else is changed by the profiling process?

    One more question:
    When I started to describe the signal chain in our Wiki, I obviously forgot the big 'GAIN' and 'VOLUME' knobs. Can someone explain me, at which point in the signal chain they actually sit?


  • That is partially correct - a lot changes by the profiling process, obviously, but nothing user controllable.
    You will always get a profile with 'tube shape' at 3.3 and everything but gain and definition at 0.

    As for signal chain, it's (stomps) -> (dist sense) -> (gain) -> (EQ) -> (cab) -> (X/mod/verb/delay) -> (clean sense) -> (volume) -> (master volume).

    Dist sense is only for dist rigs, gain+EQ+cab is the 'AMP' stack, and clean sense is only for cleans.

    There was, not too long ago, a thread about the 'benefits' of setting a lower clean sense to gain 'more headroom' in distorted rigs.
    CK said he can replicate the change and that it shouldn't happen, and later returned and explained, if i got it correctly, that if a profile is such that it distorts at the beginning of a note and later fades into a clean sound, the dist sense kicks in for the distorted part and the clean sense for the clean.
    This would be quite odd because it would change the dynamic behavior of the amp - a high clean sense can make the volume 'swell' when it cleans up. Also, i can't replicate it on FW 2.0.1, or any perceivable difference in distorted rigs when changing clean sense, so it's either been fixed or i didn't understand him correctly back then.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."