Now that you can transpose the tuning of your guitar with the profiler why not ...

  • ... offer alternate tunings. Is that even possible?
    Would be cool to switch from standard to an open "x" tuning. No it wouldnt be just cool, it would be bloody awesome! :D
    With the transpose function I love that I can try different pitches immediately and compare the voicings of riffs and chords so why not expand that to different tunings.

  • I think this can be done if CK and his team make their own ''divided'' pickup with a
    dedicated cable (Jack plugs in both ends) for separating all strings and then some magic within
    the Kemper itself!

    Maybe this is all in my head, but would have been awesome :)

  • Many people use a Line6 Variax or a Roland Fender G5 Stratocaster. Both of these guitars have guitar modeling, and alternate tunings on the guitar itself, and then use a 1/4" standard cable to go into the Kemper.