Newborn Kemper user..

  • Welcome to a world of great guitar tones!

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • Wow guys!! What a way to welcome a new guy to the Kemper Forum ... that's amazing :)
    By the way.. as i wrote at first, this unit felt weird... but THIS MACHINE IS AMAZING!!!!! It had to grow on me, as (dont laugh) my ears have adjusted to my Pod Hd Pro (which Im selling) and the real amp sound suddenly sounded wrong, if you follow? .. Well now the Pod sounds very artificial and the Kemper is my favorite toy ;) The Kemper is unbelievable, and the other guitarist from my band is now buying himself a Kemper!!