I wander about the sticher ''169''

  • I've never asked befor but in the last days i sow again a round sticher, dimensions beween a small size kpa knob.
    I don't remeber if it was on the front pannel or I moved it there from in the bottom pannel,..or the inside.. now it has been coverd anyway,
    I remember it sais ''test 169'' or just 169.. or QP 169 Is it one of those stichers to Quality check, or Pass.. What does That little round sticker mean?
    Everybody found a similar Sticher on Your?
    Am I the Owner of #169 KPA toster version?

  • Ah Ok!
    I found a round sticker/adhesive on my KPA (toaster unpowered version).
    it says ''169''. ( or ''test 169'' or ''QP 169'' well, I don't remember exactly..there is a ''169'' for sure but..now it's covered, I can't check or show you any pic)
    What does it means?
    Has it been applied by a Quality Guy??
    You Know... some of those stickers that show off that someone check it is OK (as that whole batch should be/is)
    Is my KPA one of those tested (the #169??..first batch of production??) or what??.

    If You don't have a sticker like this ( or you didn't find it till now) I'm just a mad man wandering about nothing