New record "Temple" by Leroy Miller out now!

  • As some of you may know I've recorded all the sound clips for The Amp Factory bundle's 4, 5, 6, Lazy J, Vintage and Rare Amp Collection and the Fender Toolkit. Well I just wanted to share with you that my new record "Temple" is out now and I used the KPA loaded with profiles from The Amp Factory for most of the clean rhythm tracks with great success! Please take a listen and let me know what you think!
    Here's the link:
    TEMPLE by Leroy Miller

  • Leroy, I have been amazed by your music, playing, singing AND your contribution to the Profiler community (by recording these great clips for Andy's profiles) from the first time I heard your music. Also it's great you have published all your music on your personal website so everyone can enjoy.

    Today I finally pulled the plug and bought everything you've published so far ... because I like to "own" your music and to support your great work. I'm a fan, man. Don't forget to ping us when you happen to go on tour and your guitar case hits german ground. :)


  • Leroy, I have been amazed by your music, playing, singing AND your contribution to the Profiler community (by recording these great clips for Andy's profiles) from the first time I heard your music. Also it's great you have published all your music on your personal website so everyone can enjoy.

    Today I finally pulled the plug and bought everything you've published so far ... because I like to "own" your music and to support your great work. I'm a fan, man. Don't forget to ping us when you happen to go on tour and your guitar case hits german ground. :)


    Thank you so much Martin for your support and kind words!!! I will keep you posted on my efforts to get to Europe to tour. This is actually something I'm seriously working on right now so stay tuned for updates. Enjoy the tunes my friend! :)