Performance mode bug in 2.1 or user error?

  • Hi all!

    I just updated the OS to 2.1. Im gonna read more about 2.2 before i update to that but i noticed nothing was mentioned in respect to fixing a bug in 2.1 for performance mode so it might be a user error that i was hoping u could help me with.

    I just assigned four rigs into the first four slots in performance mode. Lets say these rigs are called A B C and D to simplify.

    Firstly the D rig's name doesnt match with the lower part of the display. In fact the lower part is right; it says D but the upper part says A.
    I researched and found a user had the same problem here:

    Slot names in Peformance Mode

    But my real problem is the following:
    I set up my GCP footcontroller to start reading the program from 0 instead of 1.
    When i press on midi program changes 2 3 and 4 i get repectively the rigs B C and D which is correct. But when i press on midi program 1 on my footcontroller it switches to rig D. I cant seem to access midi program 1 (actually zero) or rig A in other words.
    When the GCP is programed to start reading from 1 it loads program B instead of A which is correct, but on zero it doesnt load rig A.

    Any ideas?

  • I tried using pgm change in browser mode instead of using performance mode in the meantime but i still have another problem.

    I went into each of the rigs A B C and D, pressed on the system button, navigated and assigned pgm change 1 2 3 and 4 respectively, to the rigs.

    When i tell my GCP to start at zero, i get rig B C and D in pgms 2, 3 and 4 respectively which is correct. when i press on 1 on the footcontroller i get rig D as well instead of A.

    When i tell my GCP to start at 1, i get rig A on pgm 2, rig B on 3 and rig C on 4. i cant access rig D since the GCP only has 4 presets (if i want to use the instant access buttons that is)

  • Bump anyone?
    Some of you guys are gigging with the kpa so im assuming there MUST be something im missing?
    Tried fiddling with performance mode and it seems to have lots of bugs? And the other way doesnt work either, so how do u guys deal with that?

  • Thanks again man!!
    The thing that is weird is i have used the GCP with other units before and thr manual is clear i always manage. But with the kpa i must be missing something. Im going to read the manual of the kpa again and give it another shot.

    And saturday i REALLY have to start deleting some rigs lol. Getting out if hand!