A problem: controlling the kemper with the FCB U4K - PROBLEM SOLVED

  • Hi everyone!
    I have my presets on Kemper and in perform mode i use the FCB without any problems but this;
    I have a boost pedal on all my presets. A typical preset goes like clean, crunch 1, crunch 2, crunch 3 and Lead. All have stomps. I want to have the particular stomp on or off when i feel like. For example if i'm playing the clean preset, i want to activate an overdrive pedal, then i go to crunch 2. When i go back to clean, the drive pedal is still on. But i want it to be just as i stored, with the drive pedal off. When i was using the axe fx with the ground control pro, there was no problem like this. Is it about the FCB or the Kemper? What am i missing?

  • Did you maybe lock the slot? Then it keeps it "state" when changing rigs.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Are u running Kemper in Performance og Browser mode?
    I'm using Browser mode. Have preset setups clean, crunch, drive, lead clean/crunch, lead drive. I have stomps in most of my presets.
    When I press a stomp in a preset it stays on until I switch it off or change preset. When I go back to the first preset its like orginal with the stomp turned off.
    I use browser mode cause there's a "bug" i performance. When I chang bank Kemper changes to the corresponding preset in next bank. It doesnt wait for me to press a preset. In browser mode it waits.
    Have heard there will be som changes on that issue in an upcoming SW-version.
    Therefore I havent used Performance that much so I cant remember what happens with stomps.

  • Hi guys! Here are my answers :)

    • No the slots are not locked.

    • The version is:

    • Well i find the Perform mode very useful. So i don't want to play live using the Browser mode. :) I don't jump from bank to bank in a song. I mainly use one bank with 5 sounds. If i need a tremolo in one song, i simply go to an identical bank which has a preset with tremolo.

    I think there's definitely a bug. But i'm not sure if it's the Kemper or the FCB with U4K.

    Here's the case in detail.

    Clean preset.
    Slot A (wah) on
    Slot B (compressor) off
    Slot C (pure boost) OFF
    Slot D (Chorus) off
    Slot X (EQ) on
    On preset 1, I turn on Slot C (pure boost) --> I go to preset 2 (A on, B & C OFF, X on) --> ı go back to preset 1 (A on, B off, C ON, X on) --> I turn off Slot C, go to preset 2, go back to preset 1 (A on, B off, C ON, X on)

    But there's this weird case going on at the same time; in preset 1 i turn slot C on, immediately go to preset 2 and go back to preset 1, the slot C is off as it should be. But if i turn on slot C in preset 1 and wait for like 5 secs, it kinda saves the preset with the slot C on. I go to preset 2 and go back to preset 1 and the slot C is on again. If you turn on or off any of the slots and wait a little while, it's been saved automatically. Whenever you go back to that particular preset, you see that is stayed just how you left it not like how you saved it. This makes totally no sense.

    I like changing the sounds on the fly. So when i feel like having a boost, i do it. But when i go back to that preset i want it just how i saved it. My previous rig was an Axe FX Ultra controlled with a ground control pro. That setup had no problems like this.

    Anyone has the same problem? ?(

  • One thing u may check.
    When your making presets you probably use the browser mode. Then you add the preset to a slot in performance. This is kept as a unique preset in the performance mode. If you go back and change something in the preset in browser mode it want be changed in performance mode unless u reload the preset. If the system messes up this and maybe load up the preset stored in browser mode when you change preset in browser mode it might be i difference in sound and which stomps are active.
    I had an issue with one of my presets when I tried to use performance mode. I had put a preset in slot 1, and then I adjusted volumes on all presets in that performance to be the same level. Then I stored. But when I recalled the first preset it was much loader then I had adjusted earlier. I went to browser mode and made a "store As" and named it "name" + 2. Then I went to performance mode and loaded the new copy of the sound into the slot. Then then volum issue disappears. Guess there's some minor bugs in the SW yet.

    So i you havent checked already:
    - Check that the stomps you have off is off on that preset in both performance mode and in browser mode.
    - Try to make a copy of the preset and load the new one into the slot in performance mode.

    Havent read or tried all functions in the Kemper yet. Check if things like "direct edit" or "autoload rigs" makes a different.

  • You need to upgrade to at least 2.1, the behaviour of Performance Mode has been changed.

    From the Manual:
    What’s new in version 2.1?

    Editing Performances refinements

    Navigating between slots within one performance using the left and right rig buttons is useful while edit-
    ing settings. You can, for example, balance volumes of those sounds needed for one song. As soon as you
    are satisfied with your adjustments, make sure you press Store before leaving the performance. Storing the
    performance will also keep the on/off status of all stomps and effects for each slot.

    The behavior is different if you load slots via MIDI: When switching rigs by MIDI, all edits and changes will
    be discarded. Whenever you recall a slot by MIDI, it will be loaded in its original state even if you left this
    slot with different settings e. g. Delay Mix last time.

    Therefore it’s not useful to switch slots via MIDI while you are configuring your sounds. Hint: never forget
    to store your modifications before moving to another performance.