Kemper # 2 on its way

  • Ok, so I've just ordered a PowerRack using the coupon rebate upgrade option for us early adopters. Yay! I've been using my good old toaster together with a Matrix PowerAmp to feed a Scumback M/H75 equipped PortCity, and I'm hoping that the built in power amp in the PowerRack will serve me just as well, ridding me of one extra item to bring to gigs. I've profiled my Friedman HBE using the same cabinet as I use live, so I feed the FOH with the full simulation and run monitour out to my Matrix->PortCity w/o cab sims. Sounds absolutely amazing, both on stage and through the pa & on tape. I hope the internal power amp delivers the goods using this setup!

    My Axe-FX 2 collects dust these days, though...