Monitor SPAM use (LCD usable)

  • Hi All, I wish I had the possibility to use the KPA's Display as Monitor for ''real time Messages''
    I'd like the SKPAoMine Display could be Usable as a Monitor to .. you know,
    not neccesary to Substitute With a Super LCD HI Res 16,8000 Million Colors,..
    it's ok just Like it is but, maybe able to shift From Left to right or reversed just the .. the ''Current Rig name''...OR
    ''MyFProject'' (C) or Sollazzon Or Whatever..
    it maybe usefull to have a scrolling text or something ''alive''
    (not giong to say My KPA is Not enough Alive in the way it is Now!..totally happy W/it!)

    Is there a Way to Free Programm the Display ''Show Settings''.
    Is It Currently Possible to develope a Programm or Whatever Software to Manage the KPA display?
    Could You KPA Emploees (and or Addicted.. he he that in italian are both similar to Dipendenti? ..funny)
    You Konw Could Some Tech Engeneer in Display help in this
    but first of all is it possible to do this in KPA Actually ?
    and Before All .. Is it already been Proposed/discussed? please Where??
    Angelo :)

    EDIT: no more necessary ..things evolved in a different you can see.

  • .. again?..Well Again Gianfrà!..

    It's Not Easy and not so funny at all from some Kind of point of view!..not to be so Dramatics!! he he don't Worry I...AM Still Here!

    Well, It's also a longer Story Also About hemm.. Etichette. Could You translate for me? Stickers maybe?

    I mean, figuratevely but not So that much...
    humm.. Dipendenti was A words on drugs actually but
    since the question it's poented to both Emploees (impiegati ..quindi Dipendenti..)
    but also to ''freelance'' addicted to KPA..( so Dipendendenti.. but in another point of view.) hihihi
    Anyway I'll try this way:

    follow me..
    if You have a Bottle brand New Full of jack (JD) and You maybe also have Brought it 'cause of it's External Aspect..
    and You're also even proud (or Not) to show that TradeMark Attacched :) externally on the Bottle..
    I suppose it' quite simple to follw as example..
    BUT now the best Part ! that actually cames to my real Experience W/ bottles of THat Wishey..
    WHEN You drunk it all and the Bottle is Emplty and You had refilled W anything else..
    And You want to Change That Aspect..
    It's Not Easy to remove (LITERALLY.. I tryed W/ different Products and in different Ways)
    That IMAGE!

    So, If now the Bottle is the Same But I've Changed the Inside...And I Dont Want to just Cover With A bigger Sticher! But remove it and replace it with Some Other.. More.. MINE.. well It's not easy at All.
    That's what actually Happen.
    (so please.. it may be funny, i know, and i could be the first to LOL in it..
    but let be the only jokeing about it :) )

    but.. Back in Topic..
    If Now I'd like to use the LCD as Monitor ad give a Different ''image''???

  • Exacty!
    ...well I Dont' think so.. at least considering What You should have to Smoke to be like me, and consider I am Without Smoking anything else than a pocket of red a day.. well a bit less, i'm trying to reduce... :D

  • Guys I am Proud to announce that I really finally managed to get a Full HD Monitor plugged in MyPC W/media player and a visual plug in that seems to be releted with the ?maybe the phase? of the track in Playback (that at the moment is Me playing ''alla caxxo'' if you know what I mean.(not properly song title Right?)
    Honestly I found it's a cool visual effects to attract Drunked people on the front row and see what's happening there!..
    (not saing that i am drunked (or stoned) in this moment, please..).

    Just thinking about a Real possible the application of it LIVE, on Stage.
    (yep W/out MyPC)

    Well. What if I could plug in a USB 10/15 meters from the back of MyKPA to (a) wide screen (s?) on Stage???
    PLEASE 'come on That Would be Crazy! (I'm asking IF POSSIBLE!?!?))

    Ain't Queen the first to use a Video to Accompanish their Loong Song listening!
    well I'm not the King but..
    If I had a 30 min Solo Session in MyLiveShow.
    that Would be an Amazing Surprise for all those ...Wanting Smokers
    (yeah, I know, I should improove myplaying to better keep them all 'in' but, You know ..It's more easy to Ask to (C) Kemper :-)§)
    ..anyway I suppose I've just decided I'm Going Testing it Live sooner or later (W/myPC + Full HD Monior)

  • guys it takes more than expected but i'm Working on
    (It will be perfect to recive the Same reply to my request! hehehe)
    meanwhile if you wanna have some ''paranoia''
    :D the title of topic seems: I'm Spamming mymusic hahah..not intended in that way originally.
    but I'm confirming my will to bring it Live! on stage!..let's take it as a personal Challenge ..
    ...and belive me, I've refined a Lot My technique in that :thumbup:

  • i really hope it will be more clear in this vid.
    ..goodnight kempers, as you'll see it's time to go bed (not BAD..bed)..haha not bad neither this!) :P
    [Blocked Image:]

    if anyone got any idea to manage the USB (of the back of MyKPA, not the PC) as a VGA cable to 'run' a Full HD Monitor to show some Visual Effect it Will be Cool!
    i'll use ! but i admitt it's a crazy idea and also there are not many outhere like me! :evil:
    if we wanna keep jokeing it's more or less the same to me!

  • Hey Sollazon, really difficult to understand what you want. But here's my (probably a bit longer) take on this.

    First of all: I think you're talking about audio-responsive graphics (fractals), that you want to project during live performances. That is possible, of course and there are many tools to make this happen. But if you plan to have these audio-responsive graphics displayed on the Kemper's display ... well, just forget about it.

    Second: It shouldn't be a big problem to add a small video display on top of your Profiler for your personal monitoring. There are lots of small and cheap field monitors on the market. Here's one 7" example, but there are smaller and bigger alternatives as well. They are compatible with e.g. FullHD HDMI sources and you could simply use an HDMI splitter on your laptop to go to big screen and your personal field monitor at the same time.…-hdmi-component_p708.html

    Now let's talk about tools to generate audio-responsive fractals from a live input.
    If you're into computer programming and experimenting, there is vvvv or Processing which both are being used by many interactive artists. And both toolkits have loads of potential for interactive graphics, not only using live audio but using all kinds of input you can imagine. You can even make the crowd interact with the graphics in whatever way you can imagine.
    But of course, it's not a "plug and play" experience for you. You have to build your own system using these tools in a creative way.

    If you're not into programming and building your own system from scratch, you might want to search for VJ applications like Resolume Avenue 4.

    Hope this gives you some food for thought. :)

    Good luck

  • tks martin, I really apprecciate this last answer.
    ..on another planet related to your previous one.
    honestly I think you got what I'd like..
    . thanks for your help in the meantime

    ps 2 Zed in Sollazzon. or I'll star to call you Loucifer instead of lightbox
    in the hope It's enought Clear to you what I mean ^^

  • One thing to keep in mind ... realtime video generation has pretty high latencies, so it's difficult to impossible to make live music and visualization perfectly in sync.
    Audio analog->digital conversion + Analyzing audio + rendering graphics + video output + projector or monitor delays .... lots of things add up to a couple of video frames. Expect 3 frames (50ms @ 60fps) delay minimum. If you're into meditational music this might not be an issue, if you're using pre-recorded music then there are ways to compensate the latency.
    But if your music is live and beat oriented (in a pretty broad meaning) then this can easily be an issue if you're looking for perfection. :) Just be warned that video is yet another can of worms, hehe.

    Good luck

    PS: And here's another neat tool that could be of interest:

  • Amazing, Yep, video Latency it's not an issue in this case.
    As I tried to explain, it's just an idea to give to the audience a visual entertainment, so it's not essential it is in a perfect Sincrony.

    Thanks Again, for the moment.

  • Hi Lightbox,
    well I thought the Most expensive one was for ok, but.. no it wasn't!
    ..please it would be very kind if you should suggest something more Usable, and ..if possible also less Expensive (well ''For Free'' would be Perfect) But with the ''same'' quality, 'cause I Love It!..But I can't Use it Live!
    meanwhileI'll try to contact them directly. ^^