output led

  • Hello forum

    I have a question about the output led
    I'm using a volume pedal for volume control,
    Becourse I dont want to change the caracter'or/and the amount of distortion when I change the amount of volume with the pedal, I put it in the "Rig "page at "post effects"
    Did I do that wright?
    When lowering the volume the output led gets green but when opening it to max the leds changes to red.
    Perhaps the output led positioned at the and of the line?
    I thought the color would not change while ingreasing the volume pedal if I have the right pedal settings.


  • I will check this out today. I was actually going to create a post about the output volume LED. I am not using a pedal but have notice that the lED sometimes clips to red. I will turn down the rig volume when I notice this and keep you guys posted.

    On the other hand by lowering the rig volume, how can you maintain equal volume across all rigs?

    Is this something that should be done in the performance mode?


    :thumbup: "A single note can be short lived but a melody will last a life time." Paul Muller