Little Liars - Original "New Wave" (according to my wife) piece

  • I wrote this on the way to work yesterday, came home after work and recorded it from last night until about an hour ago. I'm pretty sure it's the fastest I've ever written and recorded one song. It helps that it's a simple piece. My wife thinks it's some kinda 80s new wave bit, but that's okay. I was born in the 80s, so I'm alright with that, I guess. Don't mind the vocals. I only had a bit of bourbon before recording. It's hot today. I think about 79°F today. It's not supposed to be that hot in winter. Anyhow, the different profiles that were used are as follows:

    Clean Rhythm Guitars: "A-Diezel HBT Clean+" from The Amp Factory
    Dirty Rhythm Guitars: "Marshall Golub Crunch" by Marko
    Clean Solo Guitars: "A-Diezel VH4 Clean" by The Amp Factory
    Main Solo Guitar: "A-Diezel HBT Solo" by The Amp Factory (I also used my Morley Bad Horsie 2 wah during the last little bit of the solo for extra flavor.)
    Bass Guitar: "BASS-Markbass Drt2" also by...wait for it.....The Amp Factory.

    Drums were Superior Drummer 2.0 Custom & Vintage running through a variety of thingymabobs. The guitar is a Charvel San Dimas with Seymour Duncan pickups. The bass is a shitty old Ibanez Gio that I picked up for about $100 a couple years back.

    Here's the link: Little Liars on Soundcloud


  • Really like your song, its hard to make something that sounds simple but has its own identity and is what i strive for myself in songwriting. Great song, new order /joy division kind of vibe about it. Solo is bit over the top but you sure can play!!!!

    2005 gibson lp standard faded/frankenstein tele->kemper->adam a3x/LD systems mon 121