Delay and Reverb not working at all

  • Ok, so I finally thought I was getting somewhere and learning how to use the KPA. I got me a couple rigs set up in the performance mode and switching just fine.

    However, I cannot seem to get the delay and reverb working. I have read the manual and search the web and threads and have found nothing that has helped.

    I have reset the system, rebooted, checked all of the parameters within in the delay and reverb but still nothing. I have tried every setting within the master output and all others for that matter and nothing.

    Can anyone please help me getting these FX's to work.

    Thanks in advance,

    Mojo ?(

    :thumbup: "A single note can be short lived but a melody will last a life time." Paul Muller

  • Well, after more searching and reading….which I thought I did earlier I found the issue.

    So, I pressed and held the lock button and rechecked it. And guess what…it worked. I thought I did that before and maybe I did but it worked this time. Sorry for the knee jerk reaction but after three or four hours of trying to figure this out I was looking for guidance. But persistence payed off.


    :thumbup: "A single note can be short lived but a melody will last a life time." Paul Muller